Saturday, October 20, 2007

Day 346: NHK TV Preview Clip - Adam Waters Profile


Oohhh man! What a project!

Since this NHK TV clip/preview aired 6 days ago in Japan some people may be wondering, "Why is it taking him so long to upload the full video?"

That would be a valid point!

Here's The Truth...

I am not a professional video guy, I am learning this stuff as I go! Would you believe it took me 4 hours and 7 different video format file conversions just to get this 20 sec. preview clip online!

Here is the clip below...

NHK@Human 20 sec. Preview Clip

What do you think? This preview/promo clip was played throughout the day on Sunday October 14, 2007 promoting NHK's Sunday night line-up. You can also see the official intro to the NHK@Human TV show at the end of the preview.

180 In 18 Music!

Did you see the link from the 180 Days In 18 Seconds video I uploaded on Day 345? It's true, they not only used the video but also the music in the 5-minute profile!

Right now I gotta get some sleep but I'll go into more detail tomorrow about how this "chance happening" took place only seconds before the NHK TV Program Director was going to leave my apartment!

Until tomorrow...

Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG

Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT

P.S. The full 5 minute NHK TV clip on my story is coming soon. I just need a little more time to get my head around all these different video file formats so I can upload a HQ version!

P.S.S. Below are Day 346 pics for October 20, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 2 - Day 51 of 70


Anonymous said...

Awesome! can't wait to see the whole clip. have you been able to breathe yet? probably not much. so exciting all of this happening for you and to think I have been here thru the majority of most of it. It has been awesome to see you progress!

Adam Waters said...

Thank you Suzette, you certainly have been here through the majority of it! I'm still in dreamland but I am trying to get my act together for the last 20 days before I hit one year.

Adam Waters

Anonymous said...

looking back, this year surley has gone by fast! it was this time last year I got serious about losing some major fat! to this date I have lost 55(US) lbs. of fat(nearly 60!) I am proud to have been able to follow your progress from (nearly) the beginning! push hard (as I know you will) to Day 365!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this quick preview. I think it will be fun to see you in video, not a webcam video.

Sammy said...

Hi adam all the best in Mission 3 and good luck!

well things aren't looking very bright for me. I lost 20kg 6 years ago but the fire is kinda gone in me now. Now, I'm caught on the binge cycle and my bf is creeping back up the past 2 years...

Adam Waters said...

Awesome work Suzette! You are right, this year really has gone fast!

Adam Waters

Adam Waters said...

Thanks James!

Hi Sammy, thanks for your kind words. All I can say mate is just dig deep and find your burning PRW.

Adam Waters