Day 269: Attacked By The Locals On Heartbreak Hill!
That was brutal!
Today I had another "appointment" with Heartbreak Hill as the local gym (20 minutes away) here closed up shop at 11:30 am...on a Saturday morning!
Needless to say I had to fall back on my "cardio contingency plan" again by circumnavigating the whole town on foot...again.
Of course, this meant I had to haul myself up Heartbreak Hill again on my cardio journey.
The good news is that I smashed yesterday's time by a whopping 28 seconds!
How did I do it? Well, I had extra motivation today due to a double pronged attack by the locals!
Don't worry, I'm not talking about the local town folk, I'm talking about the "wildlife"!
Yes, that's right! I was literally chased down Heartbreak Hill by a big dog (that wasn't chained up) and by swooping magpies on the final run home.
It's safe to say that I'm not a big fan of large wild dogs and magpies as I still vividly remember getting harrassed by these two animals when I was a 14 year old doing the paper run on my bike.
Magpies in particular always seemed to sense my fear of them by literally stalking me for miles on end while I did my paper route.
One time this maggie actually ripped me off my bike - destroying my Walkman in the process!
Anyway, I got through unsctathed and set a new personal best in the process today so all is cool now...
Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT
P.S. Happy Birthday Dave, I'm proud of you bro and all that you have achieved thus far. I know you'll go far in your pro golfing career. Love Ad.
P.S.S. Below are my Day 269 pics for August 4, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 1 - Day 39 of 60

well, being chased by wild dogs would promote a time increase for sure! You don't know how fast you can run when you are chased by wild animals. I am sure if they caught up with you that it would not have been good.
Wow, Adam look at you on day 269!
Hi Adam, I'm from Mexico and found your blog on the web, I've been reading you and I want to congratulate you for that great effort that makes me wanna go immediatly to the gym, you're an example and a great motivation for all of us. Keep it up, and, one more comment, I know it's your goal but right now I think you look great, and don't need any more size on you. Any way, I'm sure that you'll feel great if you do so. Just keep it up and congrats again!!
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