Friday, May 11, 2007

RTP VIP Is Now Live...

I'll cut right to the chase. Here is the link to get access RTP VIP and the free bonus report My Biggest Secret.

RTP VIP Newsletter Adam Waters

I apologize for the delay. I pride myself on being a man of my word and I know you may feel a little perturbed by the delay. I did everything humanly possible to get this online at the promised time but I ran into some "technical difficulties" like intra-net access between my computers.

However, I trust that the content of this report and the personal access you will get to me via RTP VIP will have been worth the wait.


P.S. If you are not sure what RTP VIP is all about please scroll down and read the last few days posts to get an idea. Alternatively, you can just watch this shortcut video.

Day 184: RTP VIP Coming Very Soon...


Today has been an extremely hectic day. I won't bore you with all the details, suffice to say that I will be launching RTP VIP a little later than I originally planned (9:00 AM US Central time, May 11, 2007). However, I guarantee you that RTP VIP will be ready to go within the hour.

To all the people who have already tried downloading the special report from my "advance link" please do not worry about missing out. Just to be perfectly clear, I have set no restrictions (yet) on the amount of charter subscribers that will be accepted into RTP VIP.

Stay tuned...
