Day 261: Ready For Takeoff!
6 hours until I take off for my summer vacation! I have a 3 week holiday to Australia and a short stopover in Korea.
I'm really looking forward to the break from the "daily grind" of Japan and chillin' out with my family in Oz.
However, it won't be all fun and games! I still have Mission 3 to attend to, with my phase 1 six-pack deadline fast approaching. In order to complete this phase successfully I'll have to remain laser-focused on my routine and complete the daily actions required to reveal that sixer.
I am confident I will make it happen because I was able to continue Mission 1 successfully when I went back to Australia (and Hong Kong) for 12 days over Christmas.
Anyway, I'll write more about this topic of how to stick to your workout and nutrition plan while "on the go" as I go through this experience myself.
I must go now and do some final packing before I head off to the airport.
Next time I post to this blog I'll be in Korea!
Catch ya!
P.S. I'll reveal the answer to yesterday's post tomorrow.
P.S.S. Below are Day 261 pics for July 27, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 1 - Day 31 of 60