Day 75: Mentor Series - Nick Nilsson's "Power Surge"
Day 75
Status: Metabolic Surge - Round 8: Phase 1: Day 4
Today I will tell you how my life changed in the space of 3 seconds.
First, let me back up a little.
On November 1st, 2006 I went back to Australia for the first time in a long time. I stayed with my family for a week.
Over this period I rediscovered my drive while getting a few home truths delivered to me. You see, for the previous 6 years I had broken my word so many times I was becoming a joke.
In those 6 years I had also tried and failed at trying to get back into shape. I had enough "before" pictures to fill a family album. In fact, I had also just come off another failed attempt at a physique transformation.
My Life Was At A Crossroad
So, on the way back on the airplane I resolved to take massive action. My dream was (and still is!) to move back to the Gold Coast to be closer to my family in a house that I won outright.
I figured I had two options. I could slave away in Japan for the next 5 years working 7 days a week OR I could start living my dreams again by starting another blog and daily document (another) physique transformation.
The first option was clearly the safest. However, towards the end of my journey, about one hour before touchdown I had a sudden "Surge" of adrenalin. How could I even contemplate the "safe option"? Beacuse I had in my bag a printed eBook that I had been reading repeatedly since I had bought it (day before I left for Australia).
The eBook's name was Metabolic Surge by Nick Nilson. It was the latest in a long line of fitness eBooks I had shelled out money for. Trust me, if there is a fitness eBook out there, I own it!
My Life Takes A New Direction...In 3 Seconds!
Here's where it gets I came to purchase Metabolic Surge is a tale of destiny and living your life in real-time. My life took a new course in the space of 3 seconds!
Let me explain...Like most people I surf the internet at hyper-speed. If a page doesn't load with 5 seconds I am already onto the next site. My mouse finger is very trigger-happy!
Two months earlier I felt like my heart had been ripped out when I returned from my bodyfat testing center (on October 26, 2006) after another failed attempt to get back into shape. Well, the event that happened later that night is THE reason why I am talking to you right now. You see, in my depressed and fragile state of mind I decided to go online and search for another "magic bullet" fitness program.
One Simple Decision Changed My Life
As I was surfing I got an email from a good friend of mine. He and I are always discussing fitness and how best to get into shape quickly so I trust his judgment. He sent me a link to an article on a site called I was keen to check it out as he had "big wraps" on this article.
There was only one was a dead link! That's right, the page didn't load. Now normally I would just move on to the "next site" but this time was different. I made a snap decision to cut the dead link and go straight to the original domain of This all happened in the space of 3 seconds!
* I must add that the "dead link is no slight against, they have a massive site of archived material that is constantly updated, I know myself how hard it is to keep all links working correctly in "portal style" websites having built a 280 page site myself.
Once on the homepage I scrolled rapid-fire down the page to find anything that would benefit me in my 6-year quest for turbo-charged fat loss. At the bottom of the page I found something that piqued my interest. The program was called Metabolic Surge: Rapid Fat Loss
This Was The Promise...
The Concept Of Surge Appealed To Me
As I read the sales letter I felt like it was talking directly to me. The whole concept of "Surge" was to lose fat fast WHILE preserving muscle. I read every single word on that page...twice. As I was scrolling down the page the second time towards the order button I started to get a little "tingle" down my spine.
I can only describe this feeling in one way...hope! Could this be true? Could you really lose fat and preserve muscle at the same time in only 36 days. Or was it just another slick sales letter?
I mulled it over for a couple of days, and then 1 day before I was due to leave for Australia I hit the order button for "Surge." I printed the ebook out devoured the whole book (all 583 pages worth) in one sitting. By the time I was finished I was in absolutely no doubt that this program could work for me.
Even though I didn't understand all the concepts Nick was talking about I took everything he said in faith. I BELIEVED! This is critical, if you don't believe in your gut what an author says you'll never get results.
I took the book with me to Australia and re-read the workout plan every chance I got. I started to mentally prepare myself for the program. By the time I did arrive back in Japan I was raring to go! I literally couldn't wait to start.
The Moment Of Truth
I printed out my first day's workout program called Fat Loss Circuit Training: Part 1. I bought myself a skipping rope to do the 40 seconds of cardio in between weight training sets. I set up all the exercises beforehand so I could move through the workout rapid-fire (the way it is intended to be).
Then the moment of I stood before my first set of 8 reps of "barbell bent-over rows" I resolved within myself to make this rep, set and workout count like never before. I channeled all the pain, all the depression, all the embarrassment I felt for the last 6 years into positive energy for that first set.
From There I Never Looked Back...
I could write a book on the emotions, sacrifice, discipline and the muscular pain I experienced during the next 36 days. Maybe one day I will, however right now I will cut to the chase and reveal to you my Day 36 pictures.
Well, what do you think? I am not going to toot my own horn...but the author Nick Nilsson seemed to be so impressed with my progress in such a short period of time he put me on his Metabolic Surge sales page!
I sent him these pictures by email to let him know how I was going.
It was also a way to try and give back because Nick had helped me immensely by not only writing the book that got me these results but also answering questions for me regarding my personal trainer certification.
Nick Nilsson...One Of The Good Guys
Yes, I can vouch for Nick Nilsson. He is one of the "good guys."Not only that, he lives and breathes what he preaches, just take a look at Nick to the left for proof.
Nick literally "wrote the book" on rapid fat loss through an integrated program of weight training, cardio and nutrition.
Nick Nilsson changed my life forever.
When I am 82 years old reminiscing on my life I will remember Nick Nilsson as the guy who helped turn my life around 50 years earlier.
Now I am going to give you a chance to do the same. I will give you a direct link to buy Nick's Metabolic Surge program along with an added incentive.
Let me explain...over the course of the last 75 days I have gained a lot of knowledge about how Nick's program works. Here is the bottom line. You can use my hard-earned experience to fast-track your results. In fact nothing would make me happier than for you to surpass me!
RTP/Surge Bonus Pack Combo
Day 179 Update: If you order Metabolic Surge through this blog you will also get my new Maximize Surge: Bonus Pack to help make maximum gains in minimum time. Read on for exact details.
After 136 days of real world experience (see Mission 1 & 2) using the Metabolic Surge fat loss training program AND 100 hours of content building, designing and testing (with real people) I am pleased to announce that my Maximize Surge: Membership Course is now ready for prime time!
Maximize Surge is designed for people who want maximum results in minimum time for their physique transformation goals. This is the official RTP companion course to Metabolic Surge by Nick Nilsson (the fat loss training system I successfully used throughout Mission 1 and 2).
Maximize Surge consists of 3 major components:
1) The First 36 Days: Fast Start Guide
Details: Downloadable PDF (77 Pages)
The core of your Maximize Surge bonus pack is a real-time account of my first 36 days on Surge called The First 36 Days (the core of Surge is three 12 days cycles equalling 36 days).
What you'll find here is the absolute truth of what it really takes in the early stages to get off to a flying start on your physique transformation journey. I held nothing back, this is the complete uncensored, unedited account of those first 36 days.
2) Metabolic Surge Exercise Guide
Details: Downloadable PDF (25 Pages)
The second component is the Surge Exercise Guide. This eBook contains color photos and exercise descriptions of all major bodypart exercises I personally used on Surge throughout Mission 1 & 2.
To be exact there are 58 different exercises listed in this guide covering 8 body parts: chest, back, quadriceps, hamstrings, shoulders, biceps, triceps and calves.
N.B. I made this because Surge does not have exercise photos in the official book.
N.B. There are also many more "surprise" bonuses that you get once you sign up. You will get instant access to The First 36 Days and the Surge Exercise Guide. The additional bonuses are delivered through email notification, so as not to overwhelm you at the beginning.
Direct Order Link: Metabolic Surge: Rapid Fat Loss
How To Get Your RTP/SURGE Bonus Pack
Important: In order to receive instant access to Maximize Surge please follow these 2 steps
Step 1) Order Metabolic Surge from this link and copy your ClickBank Order Number in your confirmation email from Nick.
Step 2) Then enter your ClickBank Order Number after clicking on the Bonus Delivery Page in the special box below.
To get instant access your Maximize Surge: Membership Course immediately after ordering Metabolic Surge, go right to my Bonus Delivery page. Enter your ClickBank Receipt number (from your order confirmation email) to verify your purchase, and you will get access to your bonuses immediately via password and email notification.
Important: While I would love to guarantee results for you I just can't do that with a clear conscience. The truth is that the results you get will be directly proportional to the effort you put in. Don't let that down hearten you, like I said before, with enough directed effort and focus you can surpass me.
Well, there you go. I have finally revealed to you my fat loss training mentor. What you do now is up to you. I have to get some sleep now as I have Day 76 of Surge to prepare for!
P.S. If you are in any doubt as to the power of Metabolic Surge check out this time-lapse video of Mission 1 and Mission 2 combined. I followed the Surge training system exclusively for the whole 136 days.
136 Days In 12 Seconds:
Time Lapse Body Transformation
Exactly as the title says. I took a picture every day for 136 days between Nov 8, 2006 and March 24, 2007 and then put them back to back in a high speed montage. Each 24 hour period is represented by a picture of 0.3 seconds in length.
Buckle your seat belt!