Thursday, February 15, 2007

Day 99: High Intensity Rack & Reload!


Man, that was intense. Four seconds total rest between 120 Kg squat sets.

Why so short? Well today's Muscle Rounds MR calls for only 10 seconds rest between each mini-set (18 in total for each bodypart). Since this is my fifth time doing MR I can handle the workout ok, EXCEPT for squats.

This is because it takes 3 seconds each to rack and reload the squat bar on my shoulders (with 120 kg's on top) which effectively gives me only 4 seconds rest between each mini-set. I will say this much...I will never die wondering what could have been!

I have my dream body (above) firmly in my sights by the self-imposed deadline of March 24, 2007. Nothing will stand in my way of acheiving the goal I have set for myself. I have a burning desire to know how far I can take my physique in the shortest time possible. Quite simply, I want to find out what my genetic potential is, and quickly!

Yesterday I said I would tell my home invasion story and what it taught me about forgiveness, but I have decided to wait till the weekend when I have more time available. This will not be light reading and I don't have the inclination to rush through it right now.

Until tomorrow...

Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think Big!

Peace, AJ

Here are Day 99 M2 Day 9 pics for February 15, 2007.