Day 433: Great Idea Suzette!
G'day Shredders,
Suzette has a great idea for future editions of Shredder Sunday, Shredder Q&A!
Shredder Sunday Video Q&A!
If you have any questions on any aspect of shredding you can send them to me in a video format (.mov or .avi) and I put your movie file into the final cut, and answer your question to the best of my ability!
You can also send your question in text format if you don't have access to a video camera and I'll put up a transcript on that blog post. If you'd like to participate just send me your question/video file to my personal email (that you have) by Saturday 2:00 PM.
Shredder Articles?
Another idea I think may be cool is having a Shredder Article written by a member of the ShredderSphere on a separate blog post each Sunday. You will have the whole post to yourself for your article.
The kind of articles I'm looking for are "aha" moments you have experienced on your own real-time journey. We all have our own stories to tell and our own unique perspectives on "what it really takes" to make a physique/life transformation.
Your story and perspective may be just be the spark that inspires another person to take action and start living their dreams again! Your article could even be a "re-worked" blog post that you have already written when you were in a real reflective mood.
If this is something that interests you please let me know in today's comment section and we'll work out the finer details as we progress.
N.B. You will have a text link to your blog included in your article for maximum exposure (and real-time accountability!). I will also build a dedicated "Shredder Article Category" section on the right-hand nav bar so it will remain in permanent view at the top of this blog.
Day 22 of 84
Nutrition: My meal plan was spot on today. I have cut back on condiments now, I am using lemon juice for salads and salmon (instead of sauce).
Training: I got in a quality Muscle Rounds workout today and managed to stick to the 10 second rest period exactly as I used all machines today - makes it easier to rack and reload the weight.

Feel free to use this plan as a template that you can follow. However, this plan is is based on my own personal experience over 3 physique transformation missions. In other words, what works for me may not work for you in the same way.
Success in this game requires research, individual design, real-world testing, monitoring results and making adjustments when necessary. This is your responsibility, no one else can do it for you. However, if you'd like to research further the exact programs I have used (over my first 3 Missions) and will use for M4 Shred you can do so at the links below.
M4 Shred Components: Click each link to learn more.
1) Fat Burning: 16 Principles of BFFM: nutrition, mindset and cardio.
2) Weight Training: Metabolic Surge: 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss System.
3) Six-Pack Training: Flatten Your Abs: 7-Level Training System.

Suzette has a great idea for future editions of Shredder Sunday, Shredder Q&A!
Shredder Sunday Video Q&A!
If you have any questions on any aspect of shredding you can send them to me in a video format (.mov or .avi) and I put your movie file into the final cut, and answer your question to the best of my ability!
You can also send your question in text format if you don't have access to a video camera and I'll put up a transcript on that blog post. If you'd like to participate just send me your question/video file to my personal email (that you have) by Saturday 2:00 PM.
Shredder Articles?
Another idea I think may be cool is having a Shredder Article written by a member of the ShredderSphere on a separate blog post each Sunday. You will have the whole post to yourself for your article.
The kind of articles I'm looking for are "aha" moments you have experienced on your own real-time journey. We all have our own stories to tell and our own unique perspectives on "what it really takes" to make a physique/life transformation.
Your story and perspective may be just be the spark that inspires another person to take action and start living their dreams again! Your article could even be a "re-worked" blog post that you have already written when you were in a real reflective mood.
If this is something that interests you please let me know in today's comment section and we'll work out the finer details as we progress.
N.B. You will have a text link to your blog included in your article for maximum exposure (and real-time accountability!). I will also build a dedicated "Shredder Article Category" section on the right-hand nav bar so it will remain in permanent view at the top of this blog.
Day 22 of 84
Nutrition: My meal plan was spot on today. I have cut back on condiments now, I am using lemon juice for salads and salmon (instead of sauce).
Training: I got in a quality Muscle Rounds workout today and managed to stick to the 10 second rest period exactly as I used all machines today - makes it easier to rack and reload the weight.
M4 Shred:
Real-Time Accountability
Real-Time Accountability
Day 22 of 84

Click Here to learn more about the origin
and theory of RTP Real-Time Accountability.
============================================and theory of RTP Real-Time Accountability.
Feel free to use this plan as a template that you can follow. However, this plan is is based on my own personal experience over 3 physique transformation missions. In other words, what works for me may not work for you in the same way.
Success in this game requires research, individual design, real-world testing, monitoring results and making adjustments when necessary. This is your responsibility, no one else can do it for you. However, if you'd like to research further the exact programs I have used (over my first 3 Missions) and will use for M4 Shred you can do so at the links below.
M4 Shred Components: Click each link to learn more.
1) Fat Burning: 16 Principles of BFFM: nutrition, mindset and cardio.
2) Weight Training: Metabolic Surge: 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss System.
3) Six-Pack Training: Flatten Your Abs: 7-Level Training System.

Shredder Pact:
We will focus on the single daily actions that produce results.
We will "burn our bridges" and not look back.
We will never surrender.
Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!
Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT
P.S. Below are Day 433 RTP Blog Daily Pictures for January 15, 2008: Mission 4 - Day 58 of 125 (M4 Shred: Day 22 of 84).
P.S.S. WARNING: RTP Time Machine Pink Pants Alert! Don't scroll any further if you don't like pink!