Day 426: Breaking News...Video Contest Winners Announced!
Ooohhh man...this is off the Richter Scale!
Check it out below.

How cool is that! My video titled 6 Months In 66 Seconds: The New Doctrine won the "Compelling Category" in Rich Schefren's 66 Seconds Internet Video Contest!
I am blown away and very humbled as there were a lot of great videos entered in this contest. I'd like to thank Rich Schrefren for conceiving this contest and for his awesome generosity by allowing normal people like me a shot at such a great prize (and exposure!).
The Purpose Of This Video
The purpose of this video and contest was to apply the principles Rich discusses in his landmark free report: Attention Age Doctrine 2. Rich understands the true nature of the Web 2.0 world like no one else and importantly practices what he preaches by already achieving massive success online in a very short period of time.
If you are interested in knowing what it really takes to achieve success online in the Web 2.0 era I wholeheartedly recommend you download Attention Age Doctrine 2 right now and implement Rich's suggestions "to a t".
Thank You Shredders!
I'd also like to thank my fellow Shredders for supporting me and voting for the video. Thank you very much for taking the time to do that, it means a lot to me. I trust that the extra visitors that may be coming to this blog (and thereby checking out your blogs) will help increase the accountability factor as we move forward and help you to shred massive!
P.S. Congratulations to Andrew Lock, Mark Fitzpatrick, Jay Douglas and Buddy Rathmell who won the other categories. Congratulations!
P.S.S. Here is my contest submission below.
Day 15 of 84
Nutrition: I only scored a "9" today due to lack of planning for my 3rd meal. However, it's not all bad as I had salmon sushi as a substitute (I love sushi!).
Training: Today was Fat Loss Circuit Training (Part 2) - Day 2 of Surge - along with Core Combo. I did not do a "Double Shred" today because I believe it is wise not to do cardio on a "legs" day as you may overtrain and as a consequence, hinder recovery.

Feel free to use this plan as a template that you can follow. However, this plan is is based on my own personal experience over 3 physique transformation missions. In other words, what works for me may not work for you in the same way.
Success in this game requires research, individual design, real-world testing, monitoring results and making adjustments when necessary. This is your responsibility, no one else can do it for you. However, if you'd like to research further the exact programs I have used (over my first 3 Missions) and will use for M4 Shred you can do so at the links below.
M4 Shred Components: Click each link to learn more.
1) Fat Burning: 16 Principles of BFFM: nutrition, mindset and cardio.
2) Weight Training: Metabolic Surge: 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss System.
3) Six-Pack Training: Flatten Your Abs: 7-Level Training System.

Ooohhh man...this is off the Richter Scale!
Check it out below.

How cool is that! My video titled 6 Months In 66 Seconds: The New Doctrine won the "Compelling Category" in Rich Schefren's 66 Seconds Internet Video Contest!
I am blown away and very humbled as there were a lot of great videos entered in this contest. I'd like to thank Rich Schrefren for conceiving this contest and for his awesome generosity by allowing normal people like me a shot at such a great prize (and exposure!).
The Purpose Of This Video
The purpose of this video and contest was to apply the principles Rich discusses in his landmark free report: Attention Age Doctrine 2. Rich understands the true nature of the Web 2.0 world like no one else and importantly practices what he preaches by already achieving massive success online in a very short period of time.
If you are interested in knowing what it really takes to achieve success online in the Web 2.0 era I wholeheartedly recommend you download Attention Age Doctrine 2 right now and implement Rich's suggestions "to a t".
Thank You Shredders!
I'd also like to thank my fellow Shredders for supporting me and voting for the video. Thank you very much for taking the time to do that, it means a lot to me. I trust that the extra visitors that may be coming to this blog (and thereby checking out your blogs) will help increase the accountability factor as we move forward and help you to shred massive!
P.S. Congratulations to Andrew Lock, Mark Fitzpatrick, Jay Douglas and Buddy Rathmell who won the other categories. Congratulations!
P.S.S. Here is my contest submission below.
Day 15 of 84
Nutrition: I only scored a "9" today due to lack of planning for my 3rd meal. However, it's not all bad as I had salmon sushi as a substitute (I love sushi!).
Training: Today was Fat Loss Circuit Training (Part 2) - Day 2 of Surge - along with Core Combo. I did not do a "Double Shred" today because I believe it is wise not to do cardio on a "legs" day as you may overtrain and as a consequence, hinder recovery.
M4 Shred:
Real-Time Accountability
Real-Time Accountability
Day 15 of 84

Click Here to learn more about the origin
and theory of RTP Real-Time Accountability.
============================================and theory of RTP Real-Time Accountability.
Feel free to use this plan as a template that you can follow. However, this plan is is based on my own personal experience over 3 physique transformation missions. In other words, what works for me may not work for you in the same way.
Success in this game requires research, individual design, real-world testing, monitoring results and making adjustments when necessary. This is your responsibility, no one else can do it for you. However, if you'd like to research further the exact programs I have used (over my first 3 Missions) and will use for M4 Shred you can do so at the links below.
M4 Shred Components: Click each link to learn more.
1) Fat Burning: 16 Principles of BFFM: nutrition, mindset and cardio.
2) Weight Training: Metabolic Surge: 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss System.
3) Six-Pack Training: Flatten Your Abs: 7-Level Training System.

Shredder Pact:
We will focus on the single daily actions that produce results.
We will "burn our bridges" and not look back.
We will never surrender.
Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!
Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT
P.S. Below are Day 426 RTP Blog Daily Pictures for January 8, 2008: Mission 4 - Day 51 of 125 (M4 Shred: Day 15 of 84).
P.S.S. Day 425 Video coming soon...I just need a little more time to edit it!
Adam, BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!! You should be very proud of yourself! I went over to the site and looked at the other videos too AND asked for the Doctrine 2 to be sent to me.
Way to're becoming famous right before our very eyes.
Congratulations, Adam!! Your dedication and consistency is inspiring! YOu prove daily the results! your story is indeed compelling!
You are AMAZING!! Congratulations!
Will you be going to the conference?
Congratulations! Motivating is not a strong enough word to describe you! Thanks for pusing me into gear...
Keep Smiling!
Congratulations Adam! A well deserved win.
I'm at work now so I gotta be quick! Thank you very much Debbie, Suzette, Lilla, Tigerlilly and Mike for your kind words!
I'm going to hit my boxing gym now for a cardio session. Shred hard!
Omedetou gozaimasu!
I bet this is like a (Wel Deserved)late Christmas Present for you!
Way to go man!
That's awesome! Congratulations Adam, I'm so glad you won. I was oddly obsessed with that contest for like a whole day and half, before you wisely advised to let it go. $1000 cash! Buy yourself some more pink pants. :)
I had posted a congrats message earlier and saw it, but it is not here :-( Congrats, Adam! That's awesome man!
just an fyi, the link to Lilla's blog is not functional.
your days are sure full of excitment lately. way to go!
on yesterday's post, I think I need to seriously consider the daily double shred!
Hey, what's up with that? ;)
Thanks eagle-eye Suzette!
Congratulations Adam!! How exciting! :D
Wow, congratualations. That looks like a feature rich conference. I sure hope it gives you the edge you deserve. 2 trips to the states! Well done busy boy.
Jeff McAdamfan
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