Adam Waters RTP Blog: Mission 2 Archives
February 7, 2007 to March 24, 2007
This page is dedicated to Mission 2. On this page you'll find videos, pictures and blog post archives from this 46 day physique transformation.
Mission 2: Day 16 to Day 30
Mission 2: Day 31 to Day 47
Mission 2: Phuket Redemtion
Day 136: M2 Judgement Day - Is This A Six-Pack?
Today your votes will decide if my mid-scetion qualifies as a six-pack. Only if the Yes votes are greater will I go on my pre-booked holiday to Phuket.
Day 134: M2 Judgement Day - 48 Hour Countdown
Why has it been 54,000 hours since I last had a six-pack? Why am I having a public vote on whether I go to Phuket or not? Why am I doing any of this? All the answers are in this movie.
Day 128: M2 Judgement Day - My $1500 Phuket Trip On The Line
Your votes will decide whether my midsection qualifies as a six-pack on M2 Judgement Day: March 24, 2007. I will only go to Phuket if the YES votes are greater than the No votes. I am totally pumped to make this six-pack appear!
Day 118: Google Lock-Down & EarthQuake Intensity!
An insane week! Google lock-down, Gym lock-out, Personal Trainer certification course, Phuket trip booked, new pair 78 cm jeans and EarthQuake Intensity.
Day 100: My Fat Loss Journey - 3 Years In 3 Minutes
3 years of pain, shame, sacrifice AND joy compressed into 3 minutes. As hard as it is to put my July 2003 picture on display I'm uploading this because I feel it may benefit some people who are on a fat loss journey to see that it is possible to turn your life around.
Day 95: Mission 2 Fat Loss Goal & Power Of Visualization
Includes the inside story of Day 85 on Mission 1 and why I went 'bananas' for 6 days after I finished that 12 week period. I also talk about how to harness the power of your subconscious mind through visualization.
Until tomorrow...
Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!
Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT