Day 436: The Shredder Council Convenes!
Event: RTP Group Shred 1
Weekly Accountability Phase
Duration: 12 Weeks
Daily Accountability Phase 1:
October 26, 2007 to November 8, 2007 - Completed
Weekly Accountability Phase 2:
November 18, 2007 to January 18, 2008 - Completed
Status: Week 12
Successful Completion!
Shredder Agreement:
Weekly accountability pictures/blogs for 84 days until January 18, 2008.
Shredder Count:
Certified Shredders: 10
Completion Prize:
Limited Edition Shredder Council merchandise from the RTP Store for 24 hours on January 20, 2008 at "cost price".
G'day Shredders,
Back on October 26, 2007 we all took a leap of faith on this real-time group shred idea.
Now, 84 days later we can see the manifestation of this idea in its physical (and electronic) form!
We have collectively participated in a real-time mastermind group that has been exponentially more powerful than any of us could have imagined back on Zero Day.
Let's be honest, true friendship and mutual respect online is hard to come by. However, by acting with integrity, honoring our self promises and upholding our commitments via public accountability we have earnt the trust and respect of our peers, The Shredder Council.
We are all bound by this common thread that runs through each and every one of us and I firmly believe that we have forged friendships that will last a lifetime.
On a personal note, I have enjoyed this period of time more than any other since I started this blog 436 days ago and I am eager to continue this journey with you, and very excited at what the future will bring!
Shred on!
Adam Waters
P.S. Stay tuned for tomorrow's post as I will "unveil" a special edition Shredder Council Tribute Video...
The Council Convenes

M4 Shred: Day 25 of 84
Nutrition: My meals were spot on today.
Cardio: After yesterday's HIIT Cardio session which was beneath my endurance level I set aside a "special session" today to beat it. I upped my increments by o.5Km/h across the board and still had gas left in the tank!
Tomorrow I will go straight to 6, 12, 14, 16 km/h cycles and test myself further. From my previous experience I know when I am hitting this mark consistently that I do burn fat rather quickly. It's getting exciting!
Real-Time Accountability
M4 Shred Components: Click each link to learn more.
1) Fat Burning: 16 Principles of BFFM: nutrition, mindset and cardio.
2) Weight Training: Metabolic Surge: 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss System.
3) Six-Pack Training: Flatten Your Abs: 7-Level Training System.

We will focus on the single daily actions that produce results.
We will "burn our bridges" and not look back.
We will never surrender.
Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!
Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT
P.S. Below are Day 436 RTP Blog Daily Pictures for January 18, 2008: Mission 4 - Day 61 of 125 (M4 Shred: Day 25 of 84).