Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Day 224: Why The Real-Time Clock?

RTP Mission 3 Adam WatersG'day,

Now before I get to the clock I'll briefly outline today's training which consisted of Hybrid Cardio and abdominal training.

I went very hard with cardio today, as I continue my climb back to my peak cardio fitness on Day 136 (end of Mission 2).

I completed a 4 treadmill cycles of 7, 11, 13, 15 km/h for one minute increments with 2 minutes on the last 15 km/h cycle - at the end of M2 I was up to 7, 12.5, 14.5 & 16.5 km/h cycles.

In regards to my ab training I am also on the way back up with 3 sets of 15 reps each of lower, upper & oblique abs. The real test of my ab strength is the lower ab exercise...absolutely brutal, BUT I still managed to pump out 15 reps each time.

Now back to the title of today's post.

Why do you think I have a Real-Time Clock in my right-hand nav bar?

If you think you have the answer just leave a comment on this post.


P.S. Hint: The clock has to do with my M3 Accountability plan...