Day 303: Upper Body Hypertrophy Workout
Another awesome sweat-filled workout today!
Today's session was a high volume/high rep/high set Hypertrophy Workout. I completed 26 sets with 45 seconds rest targeting chest, back, shoulders, biceps and triceps.
My schedule calls for two Hypertrophy Workouts a week, back-to-back with tomorrow session focused on lower body.
This type of training is designed to promote muscle growth and overall conditioning as the high volume nature of this training also tends to help with fat loss.
In fact, I felt a sense of deja'vu today as I did similar types of workout routines through Mission 1 & 2 when I followed the Metabolic Surge Fat Loss Training System.
This gives me a lot of confidence as I count down to Day 365 because I already know that my body responds well to high volume/high intensity training techniques.
However, I must be sure to remember that my main focus of Mission 3 is to build muscle as opposed to losing fat. If you take a look at my Day 365 visualization picture you'll see that I still have a lot of work to do!
Will this goal in mind you'll see over the coming days just how much my current training program differs to Surge.
I will continue to outline the major changes I have made to my training and nutrition plan with this muscle gain goal in mind as I progress through Phase 2 of Mission 3.
Ok, time for me to get some rest!
Until tomorrow...
Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!
Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT
P.S. The Australian NRL rugby league finals series starts this week. Back on Day 238 I talked about Origin Intensity and how it pumps me up before a workout. Well today I'll put in a "Big Hits" NRL video just for good measure. Oh man, I love this game!
P.S.S. Below are Day 303 pics for September 7, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 2 - Day 9 of 70