Day 492 Video: Last Day On The Job
G'day Shredders,
As you may know from my last couple of posts I am finishing up at my current place of employment. It has been kinda weird to discuss this here on my blog during the last few days as I've never actually talked about about my job over here in Japan.
This vid explains what my job is, why I'm talking about it now, a couple of video clips "on the job" and most importantly the current state of play in Shredder World!
Shred on,
P.S. If you watch the vid I'll give you a hint as to what has been happenning in the last couple of days. You can post your guess in the comments section, this should be tougher than my usual quizzes!
P.S.S. The work suit I'm wearing in today's pic does not fit me very well (way too big!). Believe it or not this actually relevant to what I will reveal tomorrow.
P.S.S.S. Below is a pic from Shredder HQ, a.k.a. my work gym. This is where I work out at in the morning before work when I have a Double Shred scheduled. The picture itself was taken on Day 34 when I was doing exercise demo pics for my personal trainer certification.
Real-Time Accountability
and theory of RTP Real-Time Accountability.
Feel free to use this plan as a template that you can follow. However, this plan is is based on my own personal experience over 3 physique transformation missions. In other words, what works for me may not work for you in the same way.
Success in this game requires research, individual design, real-world testing, monitoring results and making adjustments when necessary. This is your responsibility, no one else can do it for you. However, if you'd like to research further the exact programs I have used (over my first 3 Missions) and will use for M4 Shred you can do so at the links below.
M4 Shred Components: Click each link to learn more.
1) Fat Burning: 16 Principles of BFFM: nutrition, mindset and cardio.
2) Weight Training: Metabolic Surge: 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss System.
3) Six-Pack Training: Flatten Your Abs: 7-Level Training System.
Click Below For Real-Time
NY4 Status Updates:
Suzette's Direct Blog Link
Joni's Direct Blog Link
Debbie's Direct Blog Link
Lilla's Direct Blog Link
ECSS 2008:
Final Countdown Video
Current Status: Classified Top Secret!
We will focus on the single daily actions that produce results.
We will "burn our bridges" and not look back.
We will never surrender.
Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!
Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT
P.S. Below are Day 492 RTP Blog Daily Pictures for March 14, 2008: Mission 4 - Day 117 of 125