Day 341: Tom, TV, RTP Store And A Traffic Explosion...One Day I'll Never Forget!
Ooohhh man! What a day!
If you checked my blog yesterday you will now see a dramatic increase in the Blog Stats (highlighted under World Visitor Map).
As of yesterday the number of countries that had visited this blog was 115. Today that number is 143. Traffic to this blog also increased 5000% over usual daily traffic.
The reason why there has been such a dramatic increase is two-fold.
The first is that Tom Venuto (the Internet's No.1 fat loss authority) wrote about my story (and video) yesterday on his BurnTheFatBlog (an excellent resource for anyone serious about fat loss).
The second reason traffic exploded is due to a 5 minute profile of my story on mainstream Japanese TV. The clip aired on the NHK TV show @Human which has an average Sunday audience of 5,000,000 people!
RTP Store
To cap off the day I also launched which carries Official RTP Gear at 10:00 PM on Day 340. (You wouldn't believe what went on behind the scenes of this launch!)
N.B. To read more about these "events" go to Day 340: The Most Intense 24 Hours Of My Life blog post.
Why am I telling you all this?
Is is because I like to bask "in my own glory"?
Would you believe the answer is "no"?
This is the truth.
Can A Rapid-Fire Physique Transformation Be Just The Beginning?
While I am proud of what I have achieved in the last 341 days the point I am trying to make here is that you never know what lay ahead of you if you dream big goals and take the single daily actions necessary to manifest them.
In my mind there is no better way to take control of your life than a rapid-fire physique transformation. That's right, everything that has "happened" over the last 7 years (including the last 341 days) has been the result of single daily actions I took (or didn't take).
A Full-Blooded Physique Transformation Really Is A Great Metaphor For Life Changes
Trust me, a full-blooded physique transformation can actually be just the start of many great things! It really is a great metaphor for life changes.
Once you take full responsibility for where you are now and begin to transform your body by following the basic principles of rapid fat loss (mindset, nutrition and exercise) you will soon realize that a physique transformation can be merely the catalyst for massive life changes.
Ok, I better wrap this up now before I start preaching! However, it is my earnest desire for you to burn this "metaphor" into your subconscious (if a rapid-fire transformation is what you are seeking).
Until tomorrow...
Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!
Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT
P.S. Below is a screencap of the TV clip aired on NHK.
P.S. Due to the explosion of traffic in the last 36 hours I have been flooded with emails and messages. If I haven't replied to you yet please be patient. I have to place priority on my full-time job and my own training/nutrition plan during weekdays. I normally set aside 1 hour everyday to reply to people.
Due to the sheer volume of emails I have to re-adjust my normal schedule. However, I promise I will reply personally to everyone who has contacted me by 10:00 PM, Saturday October 20, 2007.
P.S.S. Below are Day 341 pics for October 15, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 2 - Day 46 of 70