Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Day 490 Video: M4 Training Day - NYC Shred Final Countdown...

G'day Shredders,

Here is a 2-minute vid that is quite literally 490 days in the making (contains time lapse footage of M1, M2, M3 & M4!).

Now only ten days out from the most brutal training session of my life with the Super Shredder himself, Tom Venuto!

M4 Training Day:
The Final Countdown

Movie Info:
: Video, Images and Audio by Adam Waters
Credit: "Film Countdown Reel" by Jewell Studios

To be continued...


P.S. I'll be back soon with Day 491, I gotta go to work now (today is my last official day at this job!).

P.S.S. This post is my 500th entry on this blog!

Day 490: ShredderSphere On Fire And Under Cover!

G'day Shredders,

There is something in the air...a flame ignited by the two Mikes has become a raging inferno that has engulfed the ShredderSphere in massive action accountability!

Of course, we are talking about the Grandaddy of all Shredder Accountability Methods...The Reveal!

M2 Deja'Vu!

I actually feel a sense of deja'vu at the talk of this Reveal Method because one year ago to the day I was gearing up for a 10-Day Six-Pack Shred Reveal on M2.

Below is an Advance Time Machine Pic from Day 127 as I put my $1,500 pre-paid Redemption Trip To Phuket on the line on March 15, 2007.

A Live Public Vote on Day 136!

I stated I would hold a live public vote on Day 136: M2 Judgment Day - Voting Is Open Now and let people decide on whether my midsection qualified as a six-pack by holding a live public vote on my blog.

Once I uploaded that blog post I was filled with a dual sense of fear and excitement. I knew I had to make every single day count like never before if I was to win that vote. I knew I had to produce results quickly or I would forfeit my trip (and my credibility!) on M2 Judgment Day.

I then channeled this extreme mix of energy and urgency into the next 10 days like my life depended on it. I trained, ran, swam, cycled, boxed and skipped with a level of intensity that had surpassed anything I'd ever done before, even the 24-Day Shred Phase of M1.

Real Time Reveal Q&A

Question: So, what do I think of the Reveal Method?

Answer: When you are in the zone and dialed into your training and nutrition program it works big-time!

Question: What can I do to help ramp up the Reveal Accountability Method for my Fellow Shredders?

Answer: Simple! I will insert Real-Time Reveal Links to your blogs every Wednesday and a Weekly Reveal Report on Shredder Sunday!

Let the Revealing begin!

P.S. So how did my M2 Reveal finish up? Did I win the public six-pack vote? Watch this video to find out how 94 respondents from 22 countries voted!

P.S.S. I'll be back later on today with my M4: Training Day Video - Final Countdown

P.S.S.S. I received this very heartfelt comment on Day 488 from Bake Me A Cake:


I am asking for an online mentor/accountability partner to break the cycle I have been in for the past seven years.

My story is similar to yours - only the female version. I also finished the 2000 Body For Life Challenge as a top 2000 finisher (even received a prize) with 13% body fat after ripping myself in the gym for 12 weeks. After the contest, I was not able to maintain that level of fitness and have had a serious trouble getting back. I have an entire notebook of "before pictures" and no after pictures! I would be super strict with my eating all week and then binge on "free day" from 12:01 am until 11:59 pm taking FULL advantage of every minute. Because I was not seeing progress, I would give up. Over and over and over again. Pretty soon I started binging all week long and it has gotten to the point that I live to eat. I eat when I'm happy, I eat when I'm sad. I eat when I'm busy, I eat when I'm bored. Its pathetic. I am now 31-years-old, 180 lbs, 31.5% body fat, and embarressed about my body.

Over the past 7 years I have tried every "program" you can think of from Atkins to The Rice Diet to Raw Foods (I loved how this made me feel but found myself binging on almonds and dates) to Weight Watchers to The Food Addiction Program to Hydroxycut to Starvation to the Eat Whatever You Want and Get Fatter program!! Last year I worked out every morning at 5 am with a friend and I'm sure I built muscles (I work hard and don't mess around) but couldn't control the eating so my body fat never got low enough to see anything except blubber.

I've seen "Burn The Fat - Feed The Muscle" online advertisements for years on the BFL sites but thought it was just a scam. I recently stumbled across Adam Waters RTP video clip on youtube while I searched for "transformations" and after going to his blog, found out that he used the BFFM program. I decided to purchase the e-book since it came with a money-back guarantee...well I was floored at the amount of information in it and definitely got more than my money's worth!! It answered a lot of questions I've had about parts of the BFL program that just didn't seem to work.

My self confidence has dwindled down to nothing and I'm ready to make a change! Enough is enough. What really pushed me over the edge was watching Adam's transformation. It all boils down to hard work.

I promise to make the commitment.
I promise to work harder than I ever have before.
I promise to make the changes necessary.

I'm asking for someone to be there for me and help mentor me and hold me accountable.
My Reply: Thank you for your message. It is amazing how similar our paths (and others) have crossed since BFL 2000! I feel your pain, and understand how motivated you are to return to form (as Raiden would say!).

The best thing I can suggest is to first focus on your overall strategy rather than tactics (nutrition/training plan). To get real clear on a strategy that works for you I'd highly recommend you download my free report, Biggest Secret and get access to the ShredderSphere for ongoing accountability at

I trust this helps.

Reveal Hard,

M4 Shred:
Real-Time Accountability

Day 79 of 84

Click Here to learn more about the origin
and theory of RTP Real-Time Accountability.



Feel free to use this plan as a template that you can follow. However, this plan is is based on my own personal experience over 3 physique transformation missions. In other words, what works for me may not work for you in the same way.

Success in this game requires research, individual design, real-world testing, monitoring results and making adjustments when necessary. This is your responsibility, no one else can do it for you. However, if you'd like to research further the exact programs I have used (over my first 3 Missions) and will use for M4 Shred you can do so at the links below.

M4 Shred Components: Click each link to learn more.

1) Fat Burning: 16 Principles of BFFM: nutrition, mindset and cardio.

2) Weight Training: Metabolic Surge: 36 Day Rapid Fat Loss System.

3) Six-Pack Training: Flatten Your Abs: 7-Level Training System.


Click Below For Real-Time
NY4 Status:

Suzette's Direct Blog Link
Direct Blog Link
Debbie's Direct Blog Link
Lilla's Direct Blog Link


Shredder Pact:

We will focus on the single daily actions that produce results.

We will "burn our bridges" and not look back.

We will never surrender.

Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!

Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT

P.S. Below are Day 490 RTP Blog Daily Pictures for March 12, 2008: Mission 4 - Day 115 of 125