Adam Waters RTP Blog: Mission 3 Archives
Mission 3: 135 Day Physique Transformation
June 26, 2007 to November 8, 2007
June 26, 2007 to November 8, 2007
This page is dedicated to Mission 3. On this page you'll find videos, pictures and blog post archives from this 135 day physique transformation.
This page is dedicated to Mission 3. On this page you'll find videos, pictures and blog post archives from this 135 day physique transformation.
Mission 3 Video Overview: NHK TV Profile
Mission 3 Picture Overview: Before And After Pictures

Below is what went on between these pics!
Mission 3 Picture Overview: Daily Pictures

Mission 3 Archive Overview: Daily Blog Posts
Mission 3: Day 1 to Day 15
Mission 3: Day 16 to Day 30
Mission 3: Day 31 to Day 45
Mission 3: Day 46 to Day 60
Mission 3: Day 61 to Day 75
Mission 3: Day 76 to Day 90
Mission 3: Day 91 to Day 105
Mission 3: Day 106 to Day 120
Mission 3: Day 121 to Day 135
Mission 3: Day 16 to Day 30
Mission 3: Day 31 to Day 45
Mission 3: Day 46 to Day 60
Mission 3: Day 61 to Day 75
Mission 3: Day 76 to Day 90
Mission 3: Day 91 to Day 105
Mission 3: Day 106 to Day 120
Mission 3: Day 121 to Day 135

Day 372: Contents Of "Mystery Box" Revealed
On Day 371 I put up a mini-contest video asking my fellow Shredders to guess the contents of the "mystery box" I received recently.
There were heaps of great guesses ranging from my recent NHK TV appearance (most popular guess), to a pony (thanks Christy), to Shredder Council merchandise (coming soon!), to Hi-Def DVD's of my my first year on the shred (great idea Raiden!).
Here is the "Mystery Box" video along with the winner revealed...
*Contained in this video is original footage from the TV Clip which is Copyright of NHK TV Japan.
To the winner (Joni), your prize (RTP Supplement Report) has already been delivered to you. Enjoy!
Day 371: "Mystery Box" Challenge
As I mentioned a couple of days ago I got a "special delivery" recently. I won't give any specific hints because it would way too easy to guess then, but there are big clues on this blog in the right-hand nav bar!
Day 365: Closing The Book On One Year With The Shredder Council
Below is my Day 365 Video (a new version of the Shredder Council Day 14 Video).
I have reached a major milestone of my real-time physique transformation journey. One whole year of (almost) daily blogging and daily picture accountability in the bag!
This has been the craziest, most intense, bizarre, uplifting and rewarding year of my 33 years on this planet. I'll never forget these 365 days for as long as I live...
Day 350: 14-Day RTP Group Shred Challenge Details
I'm gonna kick-off the first RTP Group Shred Challenge on Day 352, October 26, 2007.
I know it is short notice but it is in these moments of decision that your destiny is shaped! Will you take up the challenge?
Only you can decide...
To get the full scoop go to Day 349: RTP Group Shred Goes Live In 3 Days
Day 335: RTP Breaking News...Unbelievable! (Part 1)
G'day, I have some breaking news. Today an event took place in my apartment that would have been unthinkable when I started this physique transformation journey back on Day 1, November 8, 2006.
Watch the video to find out!
Day 335: Japanese TV Network Filming In My House! (Pt.2)
On NHK Channel 2, Sunday, October 14, 2007 at 11:00PM the TV Show NHK@Human will air a profile on my 7 year fat loss journey.
We filmed segments in my house and at the gym where I work out 6 days a week. More details of how this all came about and the reason why I could lift much weight during the shoot in this video.
Day 290: M3 Phase 1 - Results & Holiday Pics (Part 2)
Am I half-way towards my "dream body"? You be the judge! These pics are my Mission 3 Phase 1 results pictures which went from Day 230 (June 26, 2007) to Day 290 (August 30, 2007).
I also included some holiday pics from my 3-week vacation to Australia and Korea.
Day 290: The First 60 Days Of Mission 3 (Part 1)
Its been a bumpy ride but I have now completed Phase 1 of my Mission 3 Physique Transformation Challenge.
In this video I talk about my "challenges" over Phase 1 and my 3-week trip to Australia and Seoul.
Day 289: Surprise Dave!
My brother got a big surprise when he came over to my place. My sister and her family came to over to Japan...without telling my brother!
Day 245: Mission 3 Goals And Accountability (Pt.2)
My goals, accountability and visualization structure for M3 is revealed in this part 2 of my Day 245 video. I discuss the 2 separate phases of Mission 3 and why it is 136 days long (the same amount of time of Mission 1 & 2 combined).
Day 245: Mission 3 Kick-Off & The Last 110 Days (Pt.1)
In Part 1 of this Day 245 video I talk about what happenned since the end of Mission 2 and why I had to disappear for a while. In Part 2 I'll discuss my goals for Mission 3 that started 15 days ago.
Day 169: Bad News...Mission 3 Is Postponed Due To Injury
I strained my wrist yesterday attempting an ill-fated right hook against a punching bag in my gym. Actually, this is the second time this has happenned as I broke my thumb last year doing the same thing!
Until tomorrow...
Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!
Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT
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