Day 349: The First RTP Group Shred Goes Live In 3 Days!
I got an idea!
Back on Day 347 I signed off with the following...
Let's Do A "Group Shred"!
Ok, now the "fun stuff" is over I'm gonna knuckle down and shred as hard as I can for the next 18 days so I can cap off this year on a high note. Mission 3 aint over yet!
This will be my primary focus for the next 18 days. Are you gonna join me in "real-time" for the next 18 days? Let's do a "group shred" and hold each accountable by starting/completing our pre-determined missions!
If you are up to the challenge go to my Day 323 Blog Post: Are You Game? to learn more about how you can harness the power of "real-time" accountability with me and other RTP VIP Dedicated Bloggers.
In the comment section of Day 347 this "group shred" idea got a great response! Here are the comments:
How Cool Is That?
An idea manifested in "real-time"! This got me thinking...Is there a way we can take this "group shred accountability" idea a step further?
I think you know what the answer is..Of course we can!
Welcome To The First RTP 14-Day Group Shred
I'm gonna kick-off the RTP Group Shred on Day 352, October 26, 2007. I know it is short notice but it is in these moments of decision that your destiny is shaped! Will you take up the challenge? Only you can decide...
I'm Gonna Keep This Real Simple!
You'll get to have your daily pictures posted on my blog for 14 days straight from October 26, 2007 to November 8, 2007 (1-year anniversary of RTP!). Trust me, 14 days of focused shredding is enough time to see visible results if you are committed.
As an example, here are the results I got after my first 14 days on Mission 1. (This image is not clickable).
N.B. This "before and after" is only 13 days apart. I took Zero Day as being "Day 1" because on November 22, 2006 I was wearing those dreaded pink tights. I cannot bare to look at those anymore!

Register Your Participation Here:
Go to the URL below to register your participation in the RTP Group Shred Challenge. All the "rules" and requirements (picture specs and prize eligibility) are explained on this form.
On the form you'll also have the option to participate in the two types of "Shreds"
"Public Shred" (hosted on RTP Blog)
"Private Shred" (hosted on your own blog).
One more thing, this is totally free to enter (no strings, no catches), you are not legally bound in any way shape or form. I'm doing this with the very best of intentions (help you trigger a full-blooded physique transformation).
N.B. Only enter if you are serious about this because once you enter you are in...there is no turning back.
This is NOT a contest between you or your fellow "Shredders".
This contest is know what I mean?
RTP Group Shred Completion Prize No.1
If you decide to take up the 14-Day RTP Group Shred Challenge and follow through every single day I have a special gift for you.
You will receive access to a "private version" of where you can buy anything you cost price for the whole 24 hours on Day 366, November 9, 2007.

RTP Group Shred Completion Prize No.2
You know what that also means? Yes, you also get to download the bonus eBook, 84 Days!

This eBook details every day of Mission 1 in "real-time" that you can use to continually hold yourself accountable by checking in daily with the book.
The contents are very near and dear to my heart as this 12-week time period was the catalyst to completely transform not only my body but also my life.
Get 7 Years Of My Life For 14 Days Of Effort
Truth be told, Mission 1 was 7 years in the making but you can get get it in a matter of seconds once you finish the 14 day Group Shred.
Is getting 7 years of my life experience wrapped up in an 84 Day eBook worth 14 days of focused effort that could potentially transform your life?
N.B. An RTP Store purchase is not necessary to get the eBook, the book will be delivered to all successful finishers to the email address you specify on the entry form.
I'll be waiting for your response...
N.B Entries close on October 25 at 10:ooPM "RTP Time" (check the clock in the right-hand nav bar)
Day 350 Video:
About The RTP Group Shred Challenge
Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!
Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT
P.S. Below are my Day 349 pics for October 23, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 2 - Day 54 of 70

Awesome man, nice to see you working out in the gym rather than sat infront of the of the web cam ;-)))
Hey I wish you the most success over the next 18 days. My blog will be about 40 days old when you hit your year and I hope I will be well on my way to completing my goal as successfully as you.
Take care,
October 21, 2007 1:06 PM
Awesome video. you couldn't help but smile the whole time! I don't know a single bit of japanese but it was fun to watch!
I just can't resist your "18 Day Challenge". I have been going back and forth on it but I feel I need to do this to "prove" that with determination and desire one can accomplish whatever they put their mind to without excuses for not doing it.
I can think of lots of reasons(excuses) not to. I know there are lots of working mothers(even single mothers/fathers) who need someone to look to and say, if she can do it, so can I. If you want it bad enough you will do whatever it takes to get it done!
October 21, 2007 10:50 PM
Loved the video. My favorite part is the walk to take your photo in front of the infamous blue curtain. I'm trying to figure out how in my condition I can take you up on this 18 day challenge. I'll figure out. But I'm in.
BTW, my sister told me my hoodie arrived in LA. She loved your logo, and thinks it's super cute. I have a sneaking suspicion she's already wearing it.
October 22, 2007 8:39 AM