Day 336: A Tribute To RTP VIP Dedicated Bloggers, Thanks Guys!
Thank you Andrew, Christy, Celina, Suzette and Dougal for your kind comments in regards to yesterday's blog post: Day 335 - Japanese TV Crew In My House!
The fact that you guys are happy for me getting closer to my dream really says so much about you too! I really mean that, I never take your support for granted.
This is because I still encounter the opposite (skepticism and negativity) almost daily from anonymous online people (especially on YouTube) who believe my transformation is one big "Photoshopping" effort.
This is in spite of the fact I still post daily and use newspapers as proof of each official start and end date of each mission. It still kinda baffles me as they must think I have a "time machine" that transports me "back to the future" every single day!
With that said, I must also say that around 95% of the responses to this blog and on YouTube has been overwhelmingly positive which I am extremely grateful for.
This is because you never quite now how you come across online because the Internet can be a very impersonal place. This is especially true when you pour your heart out every day!
Needless to say I have grown a very thick skin since my YouTube videos went "big". The irony here is that I felt more vulnerable after I finished Mission 1 when my confidence and self-esteem was sky high (as opposed to during M1 when I got so many supportive and positive comments).
I guess the simple message here is to live your truth day in and day out and the universe will eventually catch up to your vision!
Before I sign off I'd like to pay tribute to the most dedicated RTP VIP Bloggers.
RTP VIP Dedicated Bloggers
If this is your first time here please take the time to visit their blogs and make supportive comments as they too have poured their heart out and decided to take massive action on their dreams.
- Suzette's Blog (Suzette is extremely dedicated, blogging since April 2007)
- Kristiina's Blog (kristiina just hit the 100 day milestone!)
- Dougal's Blog (Dougal's journey runs so parallel to mine it's scary!)
- Andrew's Blog (Andrew is off to a flying start, 10 days straight!)
- Christy's Blog (Christy is an extremely dedicated daily blogger and a great writer!)
- Ryuerik's Blog (My online buddy from Japan is now up to Day 30 and going strong)
- James's Blog (James is very consistent in posting his daily pics and training hard)
- Micheal's Blog (Michael trains very hard and has an awesome looking blog!)
Until tomorrow...
Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!
Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT
P.S. Below are Day 336 pics for October 10, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 2 - Day 41 of 70

Adam, Thanks so much for the mention in your post today! I have pretty much been "following" you since nearly the beginning of your journey so I can testify to the fact that you haven't "photoshopped" your transformation. At the early stages of my own transformation I searched the internet for all the information I could find to educate myself on fitness and came across Tom Venuto's site which is where I believe I found the link to your blog. I have been following you ever since. I then decided to try my hand at blogging beginning in April. I have lagged off on numerous occaisions but try to remain mostly consistent with posting and with my training(not nearly the level of consistency as yourself and Kristiina). But I keep pressing on! I think a lot of us can say that we have gotten "attached" to you and can honestly say that we are proud of you for your accomplishments, and we will continue to "cheer" you on!
Thank you Adam! You can have no idea how happy being mentioned in your blog made me today. May the joy and generosity you share with others in in the world be reflected back to you 100-fold.
A BIG thanks from me too Adam. I may be relatively new to your blog and to blogging but have spent many hours, weeks and months trawling through loads of information trying to find the right formula and you have been a great help.
Looking forward to the news clip!!
Take care,
Thanks for the mention in your post Adam. I've been following you and I can tell that everything is so real just by reading it; anyone who's still skeptic may be one that has never accomplished a goal or committed him or herself to something. We are really proud of you and most of all, inspired by you. Keep it up.
Thanks guys for your very kind words. Sorry I can't reply individually today, I am working on a project that is taking up a lot of time! I am very grateful that you guys take the time to visit and that we can all hold each other accountable as we go on our journeys.
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