Day 352: RTP Group Shred, Day 1 - Let The Shredding Begin!
14-Day RTP Group Shred Challenge
October 26, 2007 to November 8, 2007
Day 1 of 14: October 26, 2007
Shredder Agreement:
Daily accountability pictures/blogs for 14 consecutive days.
Shredder Count:
RTP Blog Shredders : 5
VIP Blog Shredders: 10
Completion Prizes:
1) Access To RTP Store for 24 hours on Nov 9, 2007 at "cost price".
2) Free eBook Download of 84 Days, my real-time account of Mission 1
G'day Shredders,
Today is THE most important day of your shred mission.
This is the day where you will set the standard for how you will conduct yourself over the next 14 days.
This is the day where you start to ingrain powerful habits into your daily routine that will soon become second nature.
Trust me, I am living, breathing proof that daily picture/blog accountability works.
This day marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life...and your life will never be the same.
RTP Group Shred Video: Day 1
Powerful Mindset Secrets
Watch this video to discover powerful mindset secrets that you can implement immediately for Day 1 of your Shred Mission.
Inside this video you will discover...
- RTP Group Shred Official Entrants
- Day 1: Why you must go full-throttle out of the gates.
- Training Tip: What is earthquake intensity?
- Nutrition Tip: What is the level of discipline required?
- Mindset Tip: The truth about why my Day 1 picture was not the most difficult to take.
- Shredder Tip: The truth about how other people perceive you.

- Suzette: Quest For Success Blog
- Christy: You Are Enough Blog
- Dougal: Mind Body Superfit Blog
- Diane: 1-2-3 Fat Loss Solution Blog
- Debbie: Can We Talk Blog
- Miriam: Mind Change Blog
- Michael: Fat Burning Machine Blog
- Samuel: Used To Be Fat Boy Blog
- Katie: Back In Control Blog
- Marbella: 130 On My Way Blog
Until tomorrow...
Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!
Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT
P.S. Below are my Day 352 pics for October 26, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 2 - Day 57 of 70 (RTP Group Shred - Day 1 0f 14)
P.S.S. If you registered for the Group Shred but your picture or blog is not here it is because I haven't received your details. If you have changed your mind about participating that is ok. However, if you (or I) have a glitch in communication please email me before 1:00PM RTP Time October 27, 2007. This is the deadline, after that no more entrants will be accepted.
P.S.S.S. Note for Shredders - Now is the time to encourage and support your fellow Shredders by making comments in this blog post and visiting your fellow Shredders' blogs and making comments. Also, if there are any mistakes made with your names, pictures or blog links let me know in the comments section and I will fix it ASAP.
P.S.S.S.S. Note for RTP Blog Visitors - Please feel free to join in and help support these people who have taken massive action and shown immense courage to display their daily accountability pics and blogs on this site. Put simply, help increase the "positive pressure" on these Shredders by participating in the discussion in the comments section.