Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Day 70 Pics: 10 Week Progress Report/Before & After Pictures

12 Week Fat Loss Challenge

Start: November 8, 2006
Finish: January 31, 2007

Day 70 of 84

Status: Round 7: Phase 3: Day 2


Insane in the veins! Today I saw something I have never in my life seen before. They just popped up out of nowhere. As I was doing "Lactic Acid" Part 2 I noticed these lines down my biceps...veins in my arms! I'm amazed for two reasons. Yesterday they weren't there and today I wasn't even training biceps!

My confidence level is the highest it has ever been in my life. I am absolutely convinced that I will reach my goal of a shredded six-pack by Day 84, January 31, 2007.

Anyway, below are my Day 70 pics for January 17, 2007.

Peace, AJ

P.S. I've added a picture slideshow that details my week by week progress. As much as I love writing, I love visuals much more. You can see the link in the sidebar titled: Picture Slideshow. This will take you to my new blog, but you can easily return here by "Real Time Physique Blog" in the sidebar.

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