Day 69 Pics: My 'Shred Phase' Meal Plan
Day 69 of 84
Status: Round 7: Phase 2: Day 4
Day in day out I am clearly gaining strength. Right now I am that avalanche-triggered snowball raging down the mountain increasing in size exponentially as it gather power and force. In my heart of hearts I know I will achieve the shredded six-pack I desire.
In fact, it has already happenned. I have already built a rock-hard midsection. This is not "positive thinking", this is fact on a physical level. I grabbed my 'pooch' today and dragged it down towards my belt buckle. Low and behold, there is already a defined six-pack! All I have to do now is "burn the fat."Burning the fat means three things: nutrition, cardio and weight training.
Today I will talk about my specific meal plan for my "low fat/low carb" 5 day cycle.
This is integral part of the next 15 days (countdown to Day 84) of my "shredding phase." I'll keep this real simple by actually showing you one day's meal plan.
What you see here (along with my beautiful kitchen!) is the food I bought today (and will eat tomorrow).
Low Fat/Low Carb 5 Day Cycle
The reason I posted this is because I have recently recieved a lot of emails asking me what my nutrition plan is. So, there you go. This is the basic "low fat/low carb" 5 day cycle I will follow over the next 15 days of my "shred phase." Of course I don't eat the same thing every single day, but I think you get the picture.
Detailed Analysis
Below are the exact calculations. N.B: This does not include probiotic powder, apricot kernals, omega acids and micronutrient supplements I take on a daily basis. None of these supplements are 'physique enhancing', I take them for internal health. I take no other supplements.
These calculations are based on Tom Venuto's BFFM 'Nutritional Values Quick Reference Chart' because the nutritional values on the exact packages are written in Japanese which most people here wouldn't understand.
Total Calories: 1450
Total Protein: 241.6 grams
Total Carbs: 55.4 grams
Total Fat: 23.1 grams
Protein Analysis: Total protein intake is just under 1.5 grams of my total bodyweight in pounds at that time (168 pounds US). As I mentioned previously I extremely precise when it comes to protein intake. I have since adjusted my protein intake based on my current bodyweight.
Carb Analysis: My carb intake at 55.4 grams is low, there is no doubt about that. The key for me here is deriving carbs from vegetable sources because of their high metabolic factor.
This is IMPORTANT: I upped my carb intake between day 70 to 84 because I was getting low on energy. This is because I ramped up my training volume as I headed for my Day 84 (12 week) self-imposed deadline for Mission 1. This is key because I listened to the feedback my body was giving me. I cannot stress this enough.
My weight training, cardio and nutrition plan is not static, it changes depending on the weekly results I get. I practice my own form of cardio currently combing HIIT and steady state with alternating sessions of running, boxing, skipping, swimming and cycling to prevent adaption.
Feel free to use this as a template for your own nutrition plan. However, I must warn you, this plan is the result of hours of research (and 69 days of application) into what works for me. There are so many physiological variables between people that there is a distinct possibility that this specific plan will not work for you.
Some of the variables I am talking about are: your body type (endomorph, ectomorph and mesomorph), your basal metabolic rate; your current fitness level; your mental state; your bodyfat level; your lean mass and your taste buds!
The nutrition resource I emphatically recommend and constantly refer is are Tom Venuto's Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle (BFFM) for nutrition principles, concepts and design.
Trust me, I have been at this game for 13 years. Tom is THE rapid fat loss authority on the internet today. I have tried (and failed at) more programs in the last 6 years than I care to mention. Tom's info has transformed my body, mind and life in only 69 days. Need I say anymore?
Below I will provide you with the direct links to Tom and Nick's eBook sales page. If I were you I would scroll down the bottom of the page in rapid-fire and just click the order button. It will be the best (and cheapest) investment you could ever make if hardcore fat loss is your goal.
Below I will provide you with a direct link to Tom's official BFFM website along with an exclusive RTP Bonus Offer (not available anywhere else).
Tom's eBook: Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle
If you purchase BFFM from this link you will get immediate access to the RTP Supplement Report bonus AND a private online BFFM Support Zone to ask your most burning questions about how to integrate BFFM in to your routine.
Bonus 1) RTP Supplement Report: In this report I reveal why 97% of “physique enhancing” supplements marketed to the bodybuilding market are completely worthless. You will discover the hidden ties between the supplement makers and magazine publishers.
However, not all supplements are a waste of money, I will also reveal the 3 “internal health” supplements that I have taken since 2005. I firmly believe that these supplements have helped me avoid all sickness during this time.
This is especially important for those of us undergoing a physique transformation because your immune system can quickly become over-run if you are not supplying your body with the correct nutrients it needs to operate at peak capacity.
Bonus 2): BFFM Support Zone The second major component is the BFFM Support Zone. You get access to a private members only online BFFM Support community to ask your most burning questions about how to integrate BFFM in to your routine. That's right, real-world advice from a guy (me) and other people who have actually done it successfully. You'll also get access to the answer archive from previous questions asked by fellow BFFM Support Members.
Here is the direct order link: Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle
Important: In order to receive the Supplement Report and access to the BFFM Support Zone please follow these 2 steps.
Step 1): Order BFFM from this link and copy your ClickBank Receipt number from your confirmation email.
Step 2): Then enter your ClickBank Receipt Number after clicking on the Bonus Delivery Page below.
To get your BFFM Bonuses immediately after ordering Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle, go right to my Bonus Delivery Page. Enter your ClickBank Receipt number (from your order confirmation email) to verify your purchase, and you will get immediate access to your bonus.
This bonus offer comes directly from Adam Waters RTP, not from ClickBank or from the publisher of Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle. ClickBank will not honor any refund requests that are based on non-delivery, quality, or functionality of the bonus materials. If you have any questions or problems about the bonus, do not contact ClickBank or the product publisher. Click here for bonus contact information.
N.B. I have more BFFM bonses in the works. You'll be notified by email as soon as they become available.
Important: While I would love to gurantee results for you I cannot do that with a clear conscience. I will help you the best I can, however the results you get will be directly proportional to the effort you put in. With that said, I would love nothing more than for you to "blow me off the park" with your results...I'm serious!
Important: I know Tom's book back to front as I have printed it out and constantly refer to it when designing/adjusting my nutrition plan. However, neither Tom nor I can guarantee results if you decide to buy. The results you get will be directly proportional to the effort you put in.
Below are Day 69 pics for January 16, 2007.
Thank you for submitting your meal plan!! My question for you is do you cycle your carbs and calories at all...having refeed days? Also, when you wrote your article it was submitted as a 12 day cycle and you now referred it to a 15 day cyle...have you exceeded your clean days? Thanks for everything!!
Great advice, loved how you mentioned that it works for YOU with research YOU did and it fits YOUR body type. Its always great to look at someone elses plan, but to remember that its working for them and may still need to be customized for the individual due to various factors. Thanks for "Keeping it Real".
Hi Anonymous No.1,
I do cycle my carbs and calories throughout the 12 day cycle, My re-feed day is a protein supercompensation day but without any pasta, grains or bread, but still plenty of clean carbs.
You are right, in my article I talked about a 12 day cycle and now I am talking about longer cycles. Basically, back on Day 60 I decided to eat totally clean for the 24 days (leading up to Day 84) so I have tweaked my plan a bit since I wrote that article (back on Day 44).
I hope this helps.
Hi Anonymous No.2, Thanks for your kind words, yeah I do try to keep it real as much as possible, I definitely do not want to add to the "miracle diets" that are already out there in cycberspace.
Hey Adam ... In the e-book Metabolic Surge Nick also talked about adjusting nutrition such as having a protein only day then a carb only day.
Are you following his Nutrition plan along with the training plan?
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