Day 377: Guess Where I'll Be On Day 500!
I had two victories today!
My First M4 Deadline Met!
1) I made my first deadline for M4: Judgment Day (Day 500) with over 1 hour to spare! That has to be a record for me as I have a habit of leaving important things until the last minute (like catching international flights!)
My First M4 "Victory" In The Gym
2) I grinded out another "victory" tonight in the gym by upping the tempo/intensity/increments of my circuit training workout compared to my session yesterday.
Believe it or not, I already feel more focused that at any time throughout the whole of M3. Your end goal for a specific physique transformation really does play a massive role in your motivation!
On the flipside, things are still a little crazy around here at the moment as I begin the task of organizing and creating M4 goals, accountability structure, stats and graphics. I promise they will be uploaded on Day 380 this Friday.
Which Foreign Country?
Before I sign off I'll put up a little factoid about which foreign country I will be on M4:Judgment Day. Here's a hint, the timezone for this country 14 hours behind "RTP Time". Can you guess where I'll be?
Until tomorrow...
Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG
Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT
P.S.S. Below are Day 377 pictures for November 20, 2007: Mission 4 - Day 2 of 125