Day 311: BlogRush Is Here! Increase Your Accountability Factor Big Time!
Today's blog post is a little different than usual.
I'm gonna let my fellow RTP VIP Bloggers in on a cool new way to increase their accountability factor in a big way.
As you can see from this blog I firmly believe in daily accountability on my physique transformation journey. This is why I post daily and upload my progress pictures every day.
Why Daily Accountability Works
The reason I do this is because it creates "positive pressure" on me to follow through every single day.
The truth is, transforming your body is a 24 hour a day commitment. You must schedule your 8 hours sleep, you 16 hours of nutrition, your 1 hour of mind power and your 1 hour of exercise.
Then you must put it all together with absolute precision on a daily basis. Because if you don't make gains every single day when are ever going to?
RTP VIP Dedicated Bloggers
I am pleased to report that many of new online friends have embraced this approach by starting their own blogs and documenting their progress every day.
You can see their blogs in the RTP VIP BlogRoll on the right-hand nav bar further down the page. These people come from all corners of the globe and have their own amazing stories to tell.
In particular, I'd like to give a special mention to Suzette, Dede, Kristiina, Christy, Dougal and James who have all been very dedicated bloggers.
Take It To The Next Level!
How would you guys like to take it to the next level by increasing the exposure of your blog, thereby increasing the amount of "positive pressure" on you to follow through daily?
If you answered yes I have a cool widget that you can add to your blog that can generate a lot more exposure for you right across the blogosphere!The widget is called BlogRush and it is a simple 5-minute process to install on your blog (you can see my BlogRush widget in the right hand nav bar).
Once you do that your blog will start appearing in the BlogRush widgets on other people's blogs.
And the best part of all, its totally free.
Click this BlogRush link to learn more and increase your accountability factor today!
Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT
P.S. Below are Day 311 pics for Spetember 15, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 2 - Day 17 of 70

i'm not ready for the blog rush. once i can get back into the gym and get my routine going back up again i will surely think about it. thanks, adam, for the mention in your blog regarding my blog. I really haven't posted much this past few weeks due to my gym still being closed. i know, only excuses! will get back into the swing of things soon! thanks for all your support!
You are welcome Suzette. Man, your gym has been closed for a while now! When will they re-open?
they were closed labor day weekend(september 1) to move but never did. must of had personal stuff going on. then they didn't actually start moving stuff until the following week. they must still be setting things up or something. i don't really know. they should be open sometime this week, i hope! my muscles are getting soft! lol.
Adam, What did you change on the camera? New one or change the settings? I noticed you changed a few days back
Fingers crossed Suzette!
Hi Maverick, I didn't change my camera. The difference is when I take the picture, sometimes during the afternoon (on days off from work) and sometimes at night. This can change the colour of the picture.
i went by the new gym location today and he says he should be opening tomorrow(monday)! so i will stop by to see if he is ready to open! I am anxious to get back into the weight training! i really need to tighten down the diet. I still have lots of body fat to get rid of!
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