Day 334: Breaking News...Japanese TV Filming At My House (And Gym) Tomorrow!
How cool is this? The major Japanese TV broadcaster, NHK will be filming me tomorrow for a segment to air this Sunday on October 14, 2007!
It's amazing how this all came about, a combination of "luck" and good timing. However, I really do believe everything happens for a reason.
This all happened so quickly. Last Tuesday I was contacted by the program director at NHK who asked for permission to use my 84 Days In 48 Seconds video in their show.
A couple of days later we spoke on the phone for about 40 minutes and I answered his questions regarding how long I've been in Japan and why I started this blog.
He then came to Osaka to meet me and we discussed the journey I've been on for the last 7 years for about 4 hours. I was blown away by his effort as he came all the way from Tokyo!
We then decided on Tuesday that NHK would film me in my house doing what I do on a daily basis, i.e. take daily pictures and eat clean meals!
We then went to the gym where I work out 6 days a week and got clearance from the owner (a great guy!) to film me in the gym working out.
I can still hardly believe this is happening! It is very surreal, almost like I'm living in a dream world!
I guess it goes to show that if you Eat Clean, Shred Hard and Think BIG on a daily basis amazing things can happen (over and above what you ever thought possible).
Well, I gotta get some sleep now so I can get up early and prepare for tomorrow.
Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT
P.S. I'll give you a full wrap-up of how the filming went tomorrow.
P.S.S. Below are Day 334 pics for October 8, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 2 - Day 39 of 70

How Awesome is that!!?! Way cool! Congratulations! I am so excited for you! Yes, we must have all the details! If you could, a link to the newsclip would be cool, too!
Your drive and dedication has surely paid off!
Well done Adam, I know I have only been reading your blog for about 6 weeks now but you have taught me things that I did not know previously. I hope it breaks you into your new career.
Do you know if the network does streaming TV?
It will be good because often when you first pass on TV then the other TVs get interested in the story.
Good luck with it
Thanks guys, it really is amazing when I consider that one year ago I was ready to throw in the towel again after another soon-to-be failed attempt (which I did).
I'll ask them today about getting a link to the newsclip (they'll be here in a few hours!) or if they do streaming from their site.
Well, I better go now and prepare!
Catch ya,
Congratulations on another wonderful step towards your dream!
your physique is looking fantastic too! certainly bulked up alot.
have an awesome day!
You deserve it Bud, in turning your life around you have given huge inspiration to others. It makes sense that your story should be seen by millions. Move over Bill Philips.
Thanks Kel, yes! I'm another step closer I think!
Adam Waters
Hi Dougal, thanks mate! It is funny you say that about Bill Phillips because I must have watched his "Body Of Work" documentary at least 100 times. It still gives me a lump in my throat, I just love that movie.
One thing I remember is Everett Herbert watching a news clip about himself while they were filming the movie, its funny how a similar thing has happenned to me!
Adam Waters
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