Day 340 Aftermath: On Japanese TV...And The Most Intense 24 Hours Of My Life!
I have a strong feeling that I'll never forget Day 340!
9:00 AM - The morning kicked off with Tom Venuto (the Internet's No.1 fat loss coach) mentioning me in his blog! Thanks again Tom, I really appreciate it.
10:00 AM to 10:00 PM - Once I settled down a little (it took a while!) I went straight to work on putting the final touches on and making the eBook, 84 Days: What It Really Takes To Transform Your Mind, Body and Life in 12 Weeks ( special bonus for RTP Store customers).
I finished designing the store and eBook exactly 1 hour before the NHK TV show @Human was about to air. I was going to take a breather but I made a last minute decision to go and buy a HDD Recorder just in case my 10 year old VHS Recorder malfunctioned!
10:20 PM to 10:45 PM - I went to the late-night store next door and the first HDD Recorder I saw, then dashed back to my apartment to set it up. After navigating through all the Japanese language instruction I got it set-up within 2 minutes before the show went to air.
10:55 PM - I hit the record button not really knowing if it was working or not (it wasn't). I then went back to the "drawing board" and eventually got it to work 5 minutes before my segment aired!
11:20 PM to 11:30 PM - I'm on Japanese TV! Unbelievable! Especially considering where I was one year ago. What's more the HDD recording worked!
12:40 PM - This is the time right now, I gotta chill out a little and try and get some sleep now...I have to go to work tomorrow!
Thank You NHK
Before I sign off I'd like to say a BIG thank you to everyone at NHK@Human who worked on this clip. You guys did an absolutely awesome job putting the story together! I'd especially like to thank the Program Director who came to my house all the way from Tokyo...twice!
And thank you to the hosts and staff of the show who took the time to put up all the daily pics in the studio. That was unbelievable!

Until next time...
Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!
Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT
P.S. Below are Day 340 pics for October 14, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 1 - Day 45 of 70

With all the excitement of the tv and store, I've forgot to say, You're looking great!
How do yo do
Yesterday, I watch you on TV!
so, Please tell me where are you training and the taining menu you did in details?
And so it starts...I have a feeling you're about to be a tad busy Champ.
How cool is that!! congratulations again! love the products - can't wait to get around in my RTP tank!
Thanks guys! I feel like i'm living in a dream world right now. It is surreal, but I've gotta stay focused (and reply to a ton of email) so this surreal state will not last for long!
Adam Waters
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