Day 340 PM: Goes Live!
What a day!
The most intense 24 hours I've ever experienced, and it's not over yet!
I'll be on Japanese TV in less than one hour. I'll discuss the reaction (if any) in much more detail tomorrow.
Back to the topic at hand. Instead of talking about what else I've been up to today I'll just show you!

That's right!
In order to reward my extremely loyal visitors who have been with me for a long time (and also given me excellent advice regarding the merchandise design of RTP Gear) you will get immediate access to a bonus eBook, 84 Days with any purchase at
First I'll discuss the RTP Gear on offer at RTP Store and then I'll talk about the bonus eBook, 84 Days.
About RTP Store
I have designed RTP Men's and Ladies Wear (along with some other goodies!) specifically for real-time physique transformers who aim to transform their mind, body and life in the shortest time possible!
I Am A "Slave" To Photoshop!
As you can probably tell from the graphics on this blog I spend a lot of time working in Photoshop to try and create the highest quality images (my body not included!) that get the message across in a simple but effective manner.
In fact I probably spend more time working in Photoshop than I do working out in the gym! I have applied that same philosophy to the now released RTP Men's Wear, Ladies Wear and Accessories.
I have spent many hours visualizing, brainstorming and creating this gear with the goal of having prospective customers proud to wear it AND live the real-time physique concept. The bottom line is I want you to feel excited about going to the gym while visualizing the incremental progress you are making every day (in real-time).
Only The Highest Quality Images Used
Just so you know, I have only used the highest quality images (300 DPI) on these products from many well-known brands such as Hanes and American Apparel so you will be able to Eat Clean, Shred Hard and Think BIG with confidence!
I have also just put in a bulk order myself. My RTP Apparel will be arriving from the USA very soon. I gotta practice what I preach! If I don't wear the gear myself how can I expect anyone else to!
Ok, enough with the build up! If you'd like to check out RTP Store yourself just go to
N.B. Once you go to the store you will also learn more about shipping rates, return policy, customer service and order tracking. RTP Store is operated through, the Internet's largest and most trusted custom store.
About The Bonus eBook, 84 Days
This eBook is in it's original uncensored format (exactly as I wrote it in real-time on this blog) as I progressed through each day on Mission 1.
This eBook is the culmination of my 7 years of experience (including 6 years of failure) trying to transform my physique (and life) in the shortest time possible.
Important: 84 Days Is Divided Into Two Parts
If you place an order at RTP Store you will receive Part 1 (The First 42 Days) as soon as I have confirmation of your order. This time period was when my blog was strictly private. I didn't go public until Day 43 of Mission 1. The first 42 day period is absolutely critical, you'll get tips on my training, nutrition and mindset for this first 6-week period.
My goal here is for you to absorb the First 42 Days and start (or continue) your own physique transformation with a singular focus on getting "the job" done everyday. This way you'll avoid possible negative energy from skeptics and "energy vampires".
Yes, I'm very serious about providing you with all the tools I can to help you transform your physique (and life) in the shortest time possible!
Part 2 (The Second 42 days) will be delivered to you 14 days from the time your order is placed (I have download instructions already set-up via pre-written email). In Part 2 you'll see how I progressed using "real-time public accountability" and get a lot of insider tips on how to go the "whole nine yards" and make a full-blooded physique transformation.
How To Get Your Bonus eBook, 84 Days
Unlike the other bonus items I offer at RTP Blog I do not currently have an automated process to handle bonus eBook delivery. Please follow these simple steps to claim your bonus.
Step 1) You will receive an email from notifying you of your order along with "real-time" shipment tracking details.
Step 2) Forward that order confirmation email to me at adam {at} rtpblog {dot} com.
Step 3) I will then reply to your email notifying you of download instructions for 84 Days. I promise you that you will get your 84 Days eBook within 12 hours.
Step 4) Shred hard and play hard in your new RTP Gear and hold yourself accountable in real-time as you follow along with me via 84 Days as you progress on your physique transformation journey!
Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT
P.S. You can also use this eBook to help keep yourself accountable in "real-time" as you progress knowing that someone else (me) was in a similar situation to you.
P.S.S. Ok, I gotta go and chill out now! I'll be on Japanese TV in less than one hour, click here for my Day 335 Blog Post for details.
P.S.S.S. If you have any feedback on the designs and/or requests for certain items please leave a comment in this blog post.
P.S.S.S.S. Sorry for the delay in my response to the previous comments. I trust the the bonus eBook will make up for it until I get a few spare minutes! This has been the most intense, mind-blowing 24 hours of my life, soon I'll tell you all about it!
P.S.S.S.S.S. The bonus eBook, 84 Days will be available for a limited time only. The reason why is because the content of this eBook will form the basis of a "real book" to be released soon. In other words, grab it while you can!
Hi Adam.
I just saw the show, that was awesome mate!
All your pictures poster size!!!
This is a great publicity for you.
Smart move opening your store today!!
Thanks Massimiliano, I'm still in shock man! Especially the poster size pics in the studio! I also had a "real-time translator" with me and she said it was all cool!
Cheers mate,
Adam Waters
I wish I saw the show, but I've already visited your store and bought my cute, hoodie. I'll have to wait until I'm back in LA to actually get to wear it (where I live NOW is so small no actual addresses just the house with the blue roof and too hot for a hoodie), but I wanted to buy on the first day the store was open to show my support. Great job getting your store up, merchandise designed, AND a bonus book all before the show aired. Yay, Adam! I'm so happy for you. Okay everybody get your credit cards out and buy, buy, buy.
Thanks Christy, I trust you'll enjoy wearing your Hoodie and the bonus eBook.
Adam Waters
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