Sunday, March 16, 2008

Day 494: Shredder Sunday, Episode 7 - Redemption And Reveal Accountability Method

G'day Shredders,

Welcome Shredder Sunday: Episode 7

In the last 5 days the "Reveal Method" of accountability has swept the ShredderSphere in a big way: see Day 490: ShredderSphere On Fire And Undercover

Reveal Method

Coupled with this is the amazing "coincidence" that one year ago to the day I went "live"
with my Day 128 Video: My $1,500 Phuket Trip On The Line which kicked off a 8-Day Reveal for M2 Judgment Day: Six-Pack Vote. I went "undercover" for the last 8 days and wore a shirt covering my mid-section with the objective of producing a sixer on Day 136.

This graphic below which I uploaded on Day 128 explains my "Reveal Parameters" and "Judgment Criteria".

Reveal Method: Example #1

The merged picture below was taken on March 23, 2007, the last day before my "Big Reveal" on March 24, 2007 for the live vote.

Reveal Method: Example #2

A great example of the reveal method in action right now is The New York Four 30 Days Out Pictures (now T-Minus 7 Days until the Big Reveal).

Redemption Theme

Another theme at the core of Mission 2 was "Redemption" which is an extremely powerful feeling/energy to harness for a physique transformation.

The best way to describe this Redemption Theme is to show you a merged picture of my "Phuket Redemption". Knowing ahead of time I would go back to that very same beach in Phuket for my "Redemption Pictures" drove me with incredible force as I closed in on M2 Judgment Day.

So, for this week's episode I thought I would "go back in time" and focus in on the "Redemption & Reveal Method" by discussing this strategy along with the original Day 128 Video.

My goal here is to plant a seed in your mind where you could implement the
"Redemption & Reveal Method" in your own future physique transformation missions.

P.S. Tomorrow I will go live with my own Post M4 Reveal to be conducted live from New York City. This will be titled the NYC Stealth Mission. I gotta practice what I preach! Stay tuned...

Shredder Sunday: Episode 7
Redemption & Reveal Method

Direct YouTube URL:

Shredder Sunday
: Video Archive

Shredder Sunday FAQ:
For ShredderSphere Members Only

1) If you'd like to ask a question via video or text just send me your question via email by Saturday 2:00PM and I'll address your question in next week's edition.

2) For more details on how you can submit Shredder Articles and Shredder Q&A please go to my Day 434 Post: Shredder Articles & Q&A

3) To watch the previous episodes of Shredder Sunday go to the Shredder Sunday Video Archive.

Welcome to
Shredder World!

This is the new look layout for all things Shredder! I feel it is best to make a "Bumper Edition" every Sunday that not only documents breaking news from the ShredderSphere from the previous week but also the Shredder Archive!

After all, the Shredders who kicked off the Original RTP Group Shred have been shredding hard for close to 150 days now. Actually the original Shredders (who are still active) are a part of Shredder Folklore as they are members of a very exclusive club, The Shredder Council.

N.B. Another reason the Shredder World only goes live once a week is because my blog was under lock-down from Day 460 to Day 473 due to the same links being posted every day (traits of an automated blog).

Alive: The Shredder Council Tribute Video

New Shredder: Welcome to the ShredderSphere Jeremy, shred on man!

Kelv's Ultimate Shred
RTP Mikey's Shred

How To Join The ShredderSphere

For more details on how you can start your own Real Time Accountability Blog and join the Shredder Roll (to be eligible for inclusion in the ShredderSphere after 30 days of consecutive blogging & shredding) go to

N.B. There is no monetary outlay to join RTP VIP, The Shredder Blog Roll or The ShredderSphere (if you make it in!) BUT to be successful you must have a Powerful Reason Why (PRW) coupled with a real-world Physique Transformation Knowledge Base.

With this in mind you will also receive a Free Downloadable PDF Report titled My Biggest Secret which will help you discover your PRW along with specifics on the three Physique Transformation eBooks I have personally used over the last 494 days.


Shredder Pact:

We will focus on the single daily actions that produce results.

We will "burn our bridges" and not look back.

We will never surrender.

Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!

Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT

P.S. Below are Day 494 RTP Blog Daily Pictures for March 16, 2008: Mission 4 - Day 119 of 125


Debbie said...

Thanks for the new video, Adam. You put a LOT on the line with your reveal! A vacation! That's more than most would do.

I'm going to look for the magazine in the stores tomorrow and let you know if it's released.


Bob said...

Disappointed to notice that the 37 hard training fays were not sufficient to add me in the sphere, I don't want to give up in a so interesting way. So I would definitively continue to work Hard and I wish you an amazing NY journey with Tome Venuto!

Adam Waters said...

Thanks Debbie, see you very soon!

Adam Waters said...

Hi Bob, I didn't forget you, I just didn't have your Blog URL because I don't think you were on the RTP VIP Blog Roll, and I couldn't remember what day it was when you posted your URL in the comments section.

If you put it in now, I'll include you ASAP.


P.S. Congrats on 37 days!

Bob said...

Ho, so sorry man I remember something about a RTP-VIP where I download your "secret" but I don't remember if I was registered on so here is my URL adress:

ps: It wasn't not a criticism because I'm patient and full determination and of course I respect your experience, an example for lot of shredder. So, See you later on the sphere ^^

Bob said...

It's uncanny how the Shreddersphere's "Reveal" and the "Clothing Challenge" coincide with your past reveal and clothing challenge. Spooky! :0

p.s. Nice abs!!!Cool vid!