Monday, March 31, 2008

Day 509 Video: NYC Stealth Update - My Cover Is Blown!

G'day Shredders,

The following video contains classified footage shot at multiple locations in New Jersey while I was on my NYC Stealth Mission.

In this video you'll also get an insight into why Lilla is such a successful Shredder as she reveals her secret Pre-Shred Training Strategy in the car park.

WARNING: Lilla's Pre-Shred Training Strategy should not be attempted by non-certified Shredders!

Until tomorrow...

Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!

Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT

P.S. Thank you Lilla for kindness and generosity in chauffeuring me around to all those "undisclosed locations" while I was in New Jersey.


Anonymous said...

oh my word that was so funny!!! loved it! Love seeing the fun side of you Adam! thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

hey adam,
do you know what code adam is? if you don't its a missing/lost child in the store. when the store calls a code adam employees block the exits and all employees look for the missing child, if done right. it was named for adam walshs child who was kidnapped and killed many years ago. adam walsh is the host of america most wanted.

Adam Waters said...

Hi Suzette, I'm glad you liked it!

Adam Waters said...

I didn't know that about Code Adam. I wouldn't knowingly make light of that sign if I had have known what it meant as it is not a laughing matter.