Day 528: Shredder Sunday # 10, Shredder Council 2.0 Requirements - UPDATED
G'day Shredders,
Welcome to a very special edition of Shredder Sunday. Episode 10 will go live soon, however there are some important things to discuss first.
Dawn Of A New Era For The Council.
UPDATED: Version 2.0 of The Shredder Council will be going live on May 25, 2008.
Essentially, today's post is a "heads up" for all current members of The Council to know what is required by the time we hit the "go button" on Shredder Sunday May 25, 2008.
Probation Period: If you are not currently meeting the requirements you have the opportunity to re-start daily accountability for the 4-week period from April 28, 2008 to May 25, 2008. The exact compliance requirements for continued inclusion at your current Council level will be sent via a personal email from me.
Practicing What We Preach
I firmly believe we are all individuals and are free to blog our journey's in a way that is congruent with our desires and lifestyles.
However, I also feel it is now time to at least lay down minimum requirements for current Council Members to maintain their position as our collective credibility is on the line if we don't continue to practice what we preach.
The Shredder Council is an online boardroom for Council Members to mastermind and collaborate on Shredder Projects while we simultaneously (and strictly) uphold the Shredder Code of daily accountability via our Real Time Physique Transformation Blogs.
Entry To The Council Is By Invitation Only
The Council is the highest level a Shredder can attain and is by invitation only. New Council Members may be periodically "tapped" only when a unanimous decision is passed by The Council at our monthly board meeting.
UPDATED: Next month you will get a glimpse of what it takes to get "tapped" for The Council when the official Council Membership List is released on May 25, 2008.
For Current Council Members Only...
Current Council Members will be contacted privately by myself within 24 hours regarding their current status and what will be required to maintain their place in The Council.
Those Council Members who have passed the entrance requirements will then be contacted by myself on Sunday May 25, 2008 notifying them of their position in The Council.

Coming editions of Shredder Sunday will be dedicated to ShredderSphere 2.0. Here is a preview of what is coming.
1) The requirements for current (and future) ShredderSphere Members to maintain their position at their current level.
2) The admittance requirements for new Shredders who'd like to enter the ShredderSphere.
3) A detailed explanation of the Shredder Hierarchy and the action steps required to advance to the upper echelons of the ShredderSphere (and possibly The Council for a select few).
Below is a "sneak preview" of the "Beta Version" of the new ShredderSphere 2.0 Interactive Community that will be going live soon.

Episode 9: New York Four Tribute Video
Episode 8: New York Four: Behind The Scenes
Episode 7: Redemption And Reveal Method
Episode 5: How To Avoid Shredder Burnout
Episode 4: My Shred Diet Secret (Part 2)
Episode 3: My Shred Diet Secret (Part 1)
Episode 2: "Reward Meal" Q & A With Lilla
Episode 1: Shredder Challenges Galore!
Episode 0: Introducing Shredder Sunday
Special Edition: Shredder Milestones:
Congratulations Suzette, Joni, Debbie, Mike and Tea!

N.B. Click the video screen to watch these cool videos. These videos are hosted on Shredder Blogs, they do not play on RTP Blog.
In other words support your Fellow Shredders by going to their blogs to watch their videos and leave a comment showing your appreciation!

For ShredderSphere Members Only
2) For more details on how you can submit Shredder Articles and Shredder Q&A please go to my Day 434 Post: Shredder Articles & Q&A
3) To watch the previous episodes of Shredder Sunday go to the Shredder Sunday Video Archive.
After all, the Shredders who kicked off the Original RTP Group Shred have been shredding hard for close to 150 days now. Actually the original Shredders (who are still active) are a part of Shredder Folklore as they are members of a very exclusive club, The Shredder Council.
N.B. Another reason the Shredder World only goes live once a week is because my blog was under lock-down from Day 460 to Day 473 due to the same links being posted every day (traits of an automated blog).

Blog/Picture/Video Recap
Daily Accountability Phase
Shredder Council:
Blog/Picture/Video Recap:
Weekly Accountability Phase

Congratulations on making it through the 30 Day Shredder Blog Roll Challenge! You will be in for a surprise when Shredder Sunday Episode 10 goes live within 24 hours!

Lilla's Clothing Challenge
Michael's Chin-Up Challenge
Tea's Push-Up Challenge

Michael Hits 100 Days
Suzette Hits 300 Days
Joni Hits The 100 Day Mark
Debbie Hits 100 Days
Mike Hits 84 Days on M1
Tea Hits 84 Days On M1
Raiden Hits 100 Days

Lilla's Lean, Green Smoothie Recipe!
Joni's Lush Lime Quinoa Recipe!

Michael's Reveal: Start - M2 Day 38
Suzette's Reveal: Start - ECSS T-Minus 15 Days
Joni's Reveal: Start - ECSS T-Minus 15 Days
Debbie's Reveal: Start - ECSS T-Minus 15 Days
Lilla's Reveal: Start - ECSS T-Minus 15 Days
Lynda's Reveal: Start - M2 Day 89
Christina's Reveal: Start - M1 Day 80

Fat Destruction Zone
For more details on how you can start your own Real Time Accountability Blog and join the Shredder Roll (to be eligible for inclusion in the ShredderSphere after 30 days of consecutive blogging & shredding) go to
With this in mind you will also receive a Free Downloadable PDF Report titled My Biggest Secret which will help you discover your PRW along with specifics on the three Physique Transformation eBooks I have personally used over the last 494 days.
We will focus on the single daily actions that produce results.
We will "burn our bridges" and not look back.
We will never surrender.
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!
Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT
P.S. Below are Day 528 Mission 5: Pre Shred Pics for April 20, 2008.

Adam this is all so exciting! I love the idea of an interactive community. I think this will make M5 more "alive". I am pumped and excited about what is to come!!! i can't wait but need to keep focusing on the here and now so the then will be awesome!
thanks for all you do for us/with us!
Hi Adam, I second that - an interactive shredder community will ROCK! Bring it =D
Great ideas Adam. I'm looking foward to the challenge, the pressure and the accountability. By the way I hope I'm still on the council as I had noticed my profile wasn't on there.
Can't wait for it to start.
Adam, one idea I have is to get an email sent out to the entire council when a new member is added to the Shreddersphere so that we can add a link to our own blog AND pay them a regular visit. I'm trying hard to hit as many blogs in one day as I can and this would help alot.
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