Day 173: RTP VIP Coming Soon...
The wait is almost over...
The wait is almost over...
Posted by
Adam Waters
Monday, April 30, 2007
Labels: RTP VIP: Real-Time Recap
I strained my wrist yesterday attempting an ill-fated right hook against a punching bag in my gym.
Actually, this is the second time this has happenned as I broke my thumb last year doing the same thing!
Posted by
Adam Waters
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Labels: Timeline: Challenging Days, Videos: Real-Time Reports, Videos/TV: Full Archive
Well, 24 hours ago I was all fired up to officially start Mission 3: Muscle Gain BUT I will now have to postpone the start date.
Yesterday I was in the boxing gym doing punching bag work when I strained my right wrist attempting an ill-fated "big right hook".
Would you believe this is the second time I have injured my hand while attempting a big hook. Last year I broke my left thumb doing nearly exactly the same thing!
The saving grace this time around is that I didn't break any bones (I think!) so my recovery time will be a lot quicker.
In light of this I will have to postpone my Mission 3 start date until Day 180 (11 days from now).
As my wrists take a lot of the load in free weight exercises I do not want to risk further injury by coming back too early.
To say I am dissappointed would be a massive understatement, I have been looking forward to kicking off M3 for so long now. However, it is not the end of the world, I know I will still get the job done.
I also know that this injury is just a minor blip on the radar of life. There are people in this world right now who are suffering hardships much greater than a strained wrist.
Once again, I would like to thank you for stopping by to read my blog and help keep me accountable.
Until Day 180...
Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!
P.S. Now I gotta go and update all my Mission 3 graphics...
Posted by
Adam Waters
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Labels: Timeline: Challenging Days
Doing cardio seven days a week, month after month, year after year is unnecessary and will eventually lead to injury, over-training or burnout.
"The secret to staying motivated all the time is to set emotionally charged goals"I really took this heart especially since my whole trip to Australia was emotionally charged due to the circumstances. Truth be told I was really starting to feel like a "loser" because I had spent 6 years in Japan with nothing really to show for it.
Tom can only show you the door, you still have to walk through it.Put simply, Tom Venuto changed my life through his information, inspiration, personal application by providing me with the tools to make a transformation in mind, body, life and spirit.
Posted by
Adam Waters
Monday, April 23, 2007
Labels: (B) Nutrition: Fat loss, (I) Mentor Series, BFFM - My Personal Experience, Tom Venuto
Today I will talk about the significance of ending Mission 3 on August 5, 2007 and how you can apply this powerful visualization/actualization technique in your personal fat loss missions.
Mission 1:
First, let me back up a little and talk about Mission 1. As you can see in the header graphic M1 was 12 week/84 day fat loss mission that finished on January 31, 2007.
It just so happened that my 33rd birthday is on February 1st, 2007.
This was NOT a coincidence.
Here's why. After spending 6 years in misery and depression due to being overweight (and sometimes obese) I knew that if I didn't make a change now it would only get more difficult as I headed into my mid-thirties.
So, on Zero Day (Novemeber 7, 2006) I set a 12 week challenge and a fairly lofty goal. My goal was to eat a chocolate bithday cake on my 33rd birthday while holding a six-pack.
I burned this image into my subconscious mind and replayed my imagined scene thousands of times during the 84 days. This was a major component of my success in M1.
Above is the actualization of my visualiztion that drove me for the duration of M1.
Also here is a short video I made on that day celebrating my birthday and "unwrapping" my birthday present!
Mission 2:
M2 was a 46 day shred mission that began on February 7, 2007 and finished on March 24, 2007. My goal was to finally get a defined six-pack and then celebrate this acheivement in Phuket.
The date of March 24, 2007 didn't hold any significance other than it was the only time I could get time off from my full-time job.
However, having the opportunity to make a "redemption trip" to Phuket WITH a six-pack and vanish the memories of my trip there 6 months earlier (when I was overweight) was extremely motivating for me.
This coupled with the fact I would hold a public vote on this blog on March 24, 2007 on whether my mid-section qualified as a six-pack turned the heat up even further. If the majority voted NO I would forfeit my $1500 pre-paid trip to Phuket!
Below is a video I recently made about THAT day...the most intense, adrenalin pumping day of my life! If you don't know what happenned watch it and find out.
Day 136: M2 Judgement Day - The Verdict
Mission 3
Ok, now let's cut right to the chase about M3. The date August 5, 2007 is significant because it is sandwiched between my father's and brother's birthday.
Both my father and brother have influenced me enormously and definitely helped shape who I am today. I love them both dearly so I will dedicate the whole 100 days and nights of M3 to them.
My brother is an Australian PGA Professional whom I am very proud of. He has always been there for me and his positive energy is infectious. My brother also gave me a few home truths when I went back to Australia just before M1.
At the time I was quite defensive when I heard what he had to say. One week later his words were ringing in my mind as I started Day 1 of Mission 1. Upon reflection, I credit my brother with giving me the kick up the rear that I needed at the time.
This is what separates casual friends from true friends (and of course family). They are willing to tell you the truth even when it hurts them and you to say it.
Thanks bro, I always be eternally grateful what you told me in the car on the way down the Coast that time.
My father has been a major driving force throughout everything I have achieved, not only in the last 156 days, but my whole life. He has always been there for me in good times and bad.
In the 6 years between 2000 and 2006 I was not my true self my father was always only a phone call away. We would talk for hours about life, challenges and future goals and dreams. He NEVER gave up on me, he always believed I could turn my life around.
As you, me and anyone else reading this blog knows, life always throws up challenges. Unless you live in a bubble protected from the outside world you will at some point have to deal with those challenges head-on.
However, knowing what you should do and actually doing it can sometimes be two different things. In my experience procrastination rarely resolves these personal issues and challenges.
Before you start thinking I am pontificating to you let me tell you a little about my experience. Like I have said many times, I spent 6 years in misery and depression due to my procrastination.
I knew what I should do (transform my mind, body and life), I had even done it before (Body for Life 2000) but still I never took action for 6 years.
That's time I wasted that I will never get back. They could have been the most productive years of my life instead they were the worst.
Below is a picture that demonstrates just how far I slid down the rabbit hole.I have also faced a few challenges in the last few weeks.
Before I left for Phuket my 6-year relationship with my girlfriend ended.
I also got a legal threat from a multi-billion dollar corporation related to a product review I did about their brand on my Natural Skincare Authority site.
Both of these issues have now been resolved because I took immediate action.
Here's the point. I believe the challenges we all face from time to time, while painful, also give us the opportunity to grow.
That feeling of discomfort can be channelled into positive energy that can drive you to change your life dramatically, and for the better. It is all a matter of perception and how you interpret what happens to you.
Anyway, back to my original thought.
I will dedicate the 100 days of pain, discomfort AND growth I will experience throughout Mission 3 to my father and brother.
My goal is to give back to my father and brother for all the love and support they have shown me.
I also hope to inspire my father and brother to live their dreams and GO MASSIVE!
Now let's talk about you. If you are currently on a fat loss journey and experiencing challenges is there a date that is significant to you that you can use to drive you throughout your mission?
It could be an upcoming event like a wedding or high school reunion. It may be an anniversary or something more close to home. It doesn't matter what the date is, the only thing that matters is that means something to you.
Once you have decided on a date use this to drive you throughout your mission...and through the pain barrier.
You may just surprise yourself at the results you get!
P.S. You can check out my father's awesome poetry at
Posted by
Adam Waters
Friday, April 13, 2007
Labels: (H) Goal-Setting Articles
As you can see by the new graphic in my header Mission 3 (M3) will be 100 days long. All I can say right now is that this Mission will be completely different to the first two.
M3 is all about muscle...lots of it!
I am currently fine-tuning my nutrition plan, weight training, cardio, goals and accountability structure for M3 which will start on April 27, 2007...16 days from now.
I have an extremely powerful reason for finishing this Mission on August 5, 2007.
The significance of this date will be a major driving force throughout this Mission. I'll tell you all about it in the coming days.
In the meantime...
Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!
Posted by
Adam Waters
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Labels: (H) Goal-Setting Articles
I don't usually make any posts regarding the look of my blog, but I am overcome with joy right now! After 152 days I have finally cracked the code of how to change my header graphic (you can see it above).
I had to get under the hood and play around with HTML and CSS code to make it happen which wasn't easy to tell you the truth. I have zero training in web design, HTML or CSS, hence the 152 day wait!
The reason I wanted that new header graphic is because I realized a long time ago my sidebar was getting increasingly cluttered with image links. This was a stop-gap measure as it was the only way I could make this blog easy to navigate.
It gets quite tricky to balance user-friendliness when you have close to 152 day's worth of consecutive entries, videos and pictures contained inside the blog. Putting my logo, Mission 1 & 2 pics in the header is designed to free up space in the sidebar.
There is so much I want to tell anyone who visits my blog for the first time but I also don't want to overwhelm them with 500 different links! I will continue to tweak the layout to make it as user-friendly as possible.
Anyway, what do you think?
P.S. I am very close to finishing my Mission 3 design. This includes nutrition, training, cardio, goals and accountability structure. As soon as it is complete I will post it here.
Posted by
Adam Waters
Monday, April 09, 2007
Hot off the press! I have just written a free report titled, My Fat Loss Mentors. Inside this report you'll learn more about the three guys who helped me turn my life around after 6 years of failed fat loss attempts.
You also get the inside story of how I implemented their advice and made a full-blooded physique transformation in 12 weeks for Mission 1 (and Mission 2).
I am also revealing some "never before seen" pictures of my redemption trip to Phuket with the goal of inspiring you to take massive and immediate action on your physique transformation goals.
Are you ready? Ok let's get to it!
Below is the download link for your free report.
My Fat Loss Mentors: Download Link
Important: This report is in the Adobe PDF® format, which means you can read it on a Windows® PC or an Apple Macintosh®. If you do not have the Adobe Reader installed on your computer please go to
Posted by
Adam Waters
Saturday, April 07, 2007
This preview is 144 days in the making. However, as I mentioned in my previous post I must take a short break now because I have other things to deal with.
But I wanted to put this out now to hold myself accountable to not only finish this video but to also to guarantee (to myself) that I will be back very soon posting to this blog again and starting Mission 3.
One more thing...this Road To Redemption project is much bigger than just this video. It will include anyone who wants the same experience I've had.
Trust me, I am very serious about helping other people reach their dream body (and life!).
Posted by
Adam Waters
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Labels: Mission 2: Phuket Redemption
Well, I've been posting to this blog for 148 straight days and in that time I have learned a lot.
On November 8, 2006 I made a decision. I was sick of living in fear, denial and daily disgust with myself. From that very first day I had a vision for this blog, for my body, for my mind and for my life.
I am pleased to say that this process has been the life-changing experience I envisaged (not hoped!) it would be. I manifested my dreams and goals on a daily basis to my new current reality.
Everything has changed for the better.
My health, my fitness, my mental state, my self-confidence, my self-esteem, my ability to take action, my time management skills, my relationships, my circle of online friends and most importantly of all, my own sense of self-worth have all improved dramatically.
As much as it pains me to write this, I must now take a break.
Not only from this blog, but also from my daily posting on Inner Circle, Myspace, BodySpace, FaceBook, Flikr, Picassa and my weekly YouTube accountability videos.
I spend 5 hours every day writing articles, making videos, taking and optimizing pictures and maintaining these daily blogs. Contrary to what a lot of people may think I do have a full-time job and other committments.
I must now allocate this time to taking action on certain things that have cropped up since I got back from Phuket. I won't bore you with all the details but here are a couple.
My six-year relationship ended just before I left for Phuket that I must deal with.
I have a legal threat against me in regards to my other site Natural Skincare Authority (A multi-billion dollar corporation doesn't like my assessment of their products!).
I also have another matter far more serious than both of these put together that I must deal with.
I also need some time to research muscle gain strategies. Once I have completed my research only then will I design my training, nutrition, goals, accountability and visualization for Mission 3.
I thank you for taking the time to visit this blog, making comments and holding me accountable.
I will be back very soon.
I have big plans for this blog and even bigger plans on how I can help other people on their fat loss journey.
Until then...
Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!
Posted by
Adam Waters
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Labels: Timeline: Challenging Days
Just click on any picture to be taken to that day's blog post.
Mission 1: Monthly Overview
Mission 1: Weekly Overview
Posted by
Adam Waters
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
This was a very weird night in Phuket!
On my way back to the resort I got a foot massage (highly recommended) as my feet were killing me all day. I had bought these sandals earlier in the day and they really scuffed up both my feet.
While I was getting a massage the other girls started to chat to me as it was near closing time. They gave me a drink and then invited me out to a real Thai disco, not the ones foreigners go to.
I was a little nervous because in situations like this you are never really sure what's going to happen. The reality is I am in Thailand by myself and if I got into any trouble no one would know where I am.
Well, I am happy to say that I had a great night. The girls spoke pretty good English so we could communicate, even though the Thai music was pumping out real loud!
It was definitely a much cooler atmosphere than at the other places I went to. People were spontaneously jumping up and dancing to the live band and bongo drums. It was going off!
The Thai people I met that night were so friendly. Sometimes, if you let yourself go with the flow you can have really cool experiences that you otherwise would not have.
Here are the party pics, you may notice one interesting character in the last pic!
P.S. Day 147 pics are below.
Posted by
Adam Waters
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Labels: Mission 2: Phuket Redemption, Picture Archive, Travel: Comeplete Archive, Travel: Phuket Mar 07
EarthQuake.mp3 |