Adam Waters RTP Blog: Mission 1 Archives
Mission 1: 84 Day Physique Transformation
November 8, 2006 to January 31, 2007
November 8, 2006 to January 31, 2007
This page is dedicated to Mission 1. On this page you'll find videos, pictures and blog post archives from this 84 day physique transformation.
This page is dedicated to Mission 1. On this page you'll find videos, pictures and blog post archives from this 84 day physique transformation.
Mission 1 Video Overview: 84 Days In 48 Seconds
Mission 1 Picture Overview: Before And After Pictures
Below is what went on between these two pics!
Mission 1 Picture Overview: Daily Pictures
Mission 1 Archive Overview: Daily Blog Posts
Mission 1: Day 0 to Day 14
Mission 1: Day 15 to Day 28
Mission 1: Day 29 to Day 42
Mission 1: Day 43 to Day 56
Mission 1: Day 57 to Day 70
Mission 1: Day 71 to Day 85
Mission 1: Day 15 to Day 28
Mission 1: Day 29 to Day 42
Mission 1: Day 43 to Day 56
Mission 1: Day 57 to Day 70
Mission 1: Day 71 to Day 85
Day 85: Mission 1 Complete - Did I Get A Six-Pack For My Birthday?
Time to unwrap and find out if I got a six-pack for my 33rd birthday.
Day 77: Fat Loss Mission 1 - The Final Countdown
G'day, This video is Day 77 of my 12 week/84 day fat loss challenge. Right here, right now is the final countdown!
Day 70: Fat Loss Mission 1 - Thank You To My Mentors
G'day, This video is Day 70 (of 84) of my 12 Week Fat Loss Challenge. I wanted to say a special thanks to everyone who has supported me on my fat loss journey.
2005 Flashback: Day 1 Of Another Failed Weight Loss Attempt
Oh man! This is painful to watch but I'm putting this out there to show anyone on a weight loss journey that no matter how many times you "fail" you can always learn from your experience, and make it harden your resolve the next time.
Until next time...
Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!
Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT
I want to know what system you used for mission 1???
If I would to start, where do you think I should start at???
I am 6ft 3in 190lbs....please help
you are really inspiring
so far ive lost 14lb over the last 2month just swapping to a healthy diet, cutting out all the sh*t food :)
im gonna start doing cardio and weight training
i really want to get myself in shape in a 3-4month timeframe like you did
you are inspiring :P
im 17 and am 5ft10, i weigh 15st4lb atm
Thanks for the motivation
Any tips would be appreciated, but youve kicked me up my arse already, which is what i needed :)
Hi, I used a combo of BFFM, Surge and Flatten Your Abs for Mission 1, 2 & 3. Click on "Products" tab to lean more about these programs.
Thanks Dan, you are off to a great start mate. As long as you have your "head right" there is noting you can't do.
Shred hard,
lost another 2lb this week
i know to most people it seems slow
but i am now 212lb's, 5st2lb
i want to reach 170lb's
i think it will approx take 4-5month
it might seem long but worth it :))
ive got BFFM - thanks
i just need to start doing more cardio to increase my fat loss
im doing weight training to retain/gain muscle
and its working great
Thanks Again
i meant 15st2lb in the above post not 5st2lb
Soz :P
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