Sunday, September 30, 2007

Day 326: Daily Accountability - My Response To Your Comments


Today I'm gonna do something different.

Rather than reply in the "comments" section to all the awesome comments made on my Day 324: Daily Accountability: A Double Edged Sword blog post I'm gonna reply individually to each person in this post.

If this is your first time to this blog be sure to read all the comments below, you'll discover an amazing group of people all with their own advice, perspectives and opinions (and great writing ability!).

Trust me, there is gold to be found in these comments!

Andrew said...
Hey Adam,

I think daily accountability is great with regards to blogging but I think visually it can be very hard. I would say it is nearly impossible to ‘see’ body differences on a daily basis much like weighing yourself on a daily basis, there is not much difference. However that said you do need to ensure that your training is sending you in the right direction.

For my first 10 weeks I was having BF evaluations every 2 weeks. Having now completed this I know believe this is too long as if your training is not getting the results you want then it is a large period of time to go through without making adjustments.

For my next 10 weeks which has just started I am having weekly BF evaluations both via electronic means and by caliper. I hope then if I plateau in any way I can spot it quickly and adapt.

Also, I strongly believe that after a hard week training you are at your lowest on Fridays and this often leads to thoughts that things are not going to plan!!!

All the best, you can and will achieve your results with continued perseverance.

Have a great weekend,


Adam Waters Reply:

Hi Andrew,

I agree with you that it is difficult to see progress on a daily basis as our bodies can (and do) fluctuate daily due to a whole host of factors.

At a minimum I would also suggest weekly bodyfat testing to ensure that your training and nutrition methods are sending you in the right direction. Weekly (as opposed to daily testing/accountability) gives you a longer timeframe to work with but still short enough to see measurable results.

In regards to bodyfat testing I have found the "BodPod" to be a reliable form of testing. However, whichever way you decide to test it is important to use the same method on a consistent basis. I believe the variance is actually more important than the raw number.

I look forward to hearing more about your results from your 10-week mission. Train Hard!


September 28, 2007 8:16 AM

Anonymous said...

At this point you may have unrealistic goals. Perhaps you need to either focus on caloric deficit (w/some cardio/weights) to reveal existing abdominal muscle or bulk up with weights and extra calories for building muscle. The reason "M1" showed more considerable progress was due in large part to the fact that you had less muscle and more fat at the beginning of the process. It is probably not realistic to expect a lot of further physique definition and fat loss at the same time.

Adam Waters Reply:


Thanks for your input. There were a lot of factors that contributed to my "M1" success. While my training and nutrition was completely dialed in for those 12 weeks I actually put a large part of my success down to my PRW which I discuss at length in my free report, My Biggest Secret. You are right, I may have unrealistic goals for this mission, however past performance can be a good indicator of future success (if it is accompanied with the the same drive and discipline.


September 28, 2007 8:37 AM

Kristiina said...

I'm going to say how I have experienced it..

I think taking pictures can bring your mood down or lift it sky high. I have also taken a pic almost every day and by now I know how much my body can differ. It depends on how much I have drank, eaten, slept, worked, stressed.. If I know that I have been good and then don't see it on the pic.. it can drag the self esteem down. However, I think I have learned to cope with that and accept that there are the great days and then there are the good days. Because every day is better than how I lived before, even if the pic doesn't tell me that...

Adam Waters Reply:

Hi Kriistina,

I think you have hit the nail on the head. As someone who is doing the same thing (awesome work by the way!) I think you speak with authority on this daily accountability topic. As Andrew discussed above it is unrealistic to expect visible change every day, however I will say that were some days when I actually could see visible progress from the previous day.

These days were very rare, and they usually came after a double cardio session in which I would burn 1000 plus calories over the two sessions. When you couple this with a 500 calorie deficit from food intake it is quite possible to see a change I believe. However, this approach may be considered "extreme" by some experts so I don't recommend this approach for everyone. The important thing is to find what works for you, then GO MASSIVE!

You have tapped into a very powerful accountability technique Kriistina and if you keep going your success (however you may define it) is inevitable as you have already layed the platform and ingrained a powerful and positive daily habit into your routine.


September 28, 2007 12:22 PM

Ryuerik said...

Is taking daily pictures a double edged sword?
It could be if you do not know enough about your body (see part of Kristiina's post).

Is it possible that you may lose confidence and self-esteem if your daily pictures aren't showing the progress that you feel you should be making?

It is possible if you let your self down. When I look at my pics and do not see much difference between day 16 and 18, I just get angry and go for an extra cardio in the evening(but I am at Mission 1 "loose fat")

Is it possible that this daily accountability strategy can backfire on you and cause you to quit?

Only if you fall in depression and you are a quitter !! Not your case (you are not allowed to quit!)If you do, I am going to find out where you live and drag you to the gym!!!Remember I am in Takarazuka, 30 min. from Osaka!!!LOL

Maybe you should take 2 or 3 weeks of rest...completely.
Eat a lot of proteins carbs, bulk up a little, gain 2 or 3 kg and transform it into muscles...I've read this in various forums.

Everything is possible, if we make it happened...

Adam Waters Reply:

Hi Ryuerik,

Haha, I love it! That's the spirit my friend. I have been checking your progress regularly and it is great to see that you are taking daily pics as well as you have definitely made visible progress since you started your current journey.

Knowing that you live only 30 mins away from me will definitely keep me in check!


September 28, 2007 4:30 PM

Anonymous said...

I can see what you mean about how not "seeing" daily progress can make you feel abit low - esp after working your butt off at the gym, BUT, if you look at the differences over a week, or month or year, it is extraordinary! that is the beauty of taking pics everyday, the fact that over time you CAN "see" massive change, and that would keep me going i reckon!

You have made incredible progress so far, keep going! one day soon you will be looking like that 'visualisation' pic and that will be spectacular!! and you'll have a record of every day, every 'baby step' it took to get there. victory all the more sweet!

LTY Kel.

Adam Waters Reply:

G'day Kel,

Thanks for your positive energy. You are so right, when I look back on the progress I have made previously I know precisely where I was in each moment in time, and because I log my workouts and nutrition plan obsessively I also know what it takes to get back into (and exceed!) my previous condition.


September 28, 2007 7:22 PM

Jeff McBride said...

When I was in the best shape of my life, I had no idea what was happening to my body because I only appeared to be in slightly better shape, even after months of effort. Then, almost overnight, my body transformed. Some people were shocked. I remember standing in the mirror transfixed by the muscles I had always dreamed of. I believe the body crouches a long time in the grass before springing forth into the light and the bewildered herd.

The most important thing is getting in to the gym. If knowing a photo is coming gets you off your butt and in to the gym then it is clearly one of the keys to the kingdom. Your past consistency has shown that you are more than motivated, you are focused. That is a key. Once you are working out, you can bring great intensity into every movement because you know your body won't break. That kind of confidence is another key to the kingdom.

When you are blazing through a harsh workout with that wild look in your eye and that crazed smile on your face, you realize that pushing a fit physique is thrilling. Amidst the pain, there is anticipation, effort, victory and relief, over and over again. We may not be keymasters yet, but It's a thrill ride and you know it, mate. And when it's over, you know you've done something special. You may as well be on the field with a rugby ball or sword in your hand gazing upon the carnage in your wake. You stand there with iron on the floor around you and see in the mirror exactly what you are. A warrior. The King of beasts.

Jeff McAdamfan

Adam Waters Reply:

Hi Jeff,

Jeff, what can I say mate! You are an absolute master of the written word. You write with such passion and positive energy that your words literally jump off the page. I don't know if you have a blog (or if you are a professional writer) but you should definitely start one!

More than that you are absolutely right, confidence and intensity are the keys to the kingdom and they both feed off each other. Symbolically we are warriors fighting weight racks and cardio machines, however the greatest battle we will fight is with ourselves.

Will you go above and beyond the pain threshold and pump out that last rep or do that last 5 seconds on the treadmill.

It is in these moments of decision that are destiny is shaped.


September 28, 2007 8:20 PM

Min said...

Here's some questions you can ask yourself to determine your results: how's your diet coming along? have you maintained at least an 80% compliance level with it? have you maintained a diet that's been the same since mission 1? Why have you (not) changed your diet since then? Has your body adapted to this new regime you're putting it through? (not to sound condescending, but)

Are you absolutely aware that nutrition is THE most important factor in revealing that six-pack? So, ask yourself these questions, see where you're steering off and find a way to get back on the road to success because we all know that you have the ability to attain this goal that so many others dream of.

And, personally, I think daily pictures/blogging is a great tool to use. Instead of thinking in terms of motivation for these pix...think of them as you say "positive pressure" and as accountability factors - which is important for consistency.

Keep at the hard work, you're doing great!

September 29, 2007 1:15 AM

Adam Waters Reply:

Hi Min,

Thank you very much for your advice and your kind words. I am constantly evaluating my nutrition plan and making adjustments when I feel it is necessary. I let my results dictate my approach and I also believe there is no absolutely "perfect plan" for me (or anyone).

I think personal trainers the world over know that the "perfect plan" will not help someone lose weight if they don't get their head right first. With that said, there is still so much I have to learn in regards to nutrition and training, especially with "building muscle". No doubt my plan and strategies will evolve over time as I continue to learn what works for me (and what doesn't).

You are also right about "positive pressure", nothing else comes close!


September 29, 2007 5:49 AM

Suzette said...

First off, I admire your dedication to even take daily pictures (Kristiina, too). I have yet to establish such a pattern. I can see how it can make you "perform" for your "audience." But at the same time it is still just you who makes the decision to get off your butt and get the work done. You can only answer to yourself what you have done today.

Can you lose confidence? yes. but again only you can decide to "listen" to that part of you. all you have to do is look at your transformation and know that you have come a long way and have maintained your transformation. that too can be a great confidence booster. something i tell myself is "look at how far you have come. and i did it all myself" no one did it for me. do i have a ways to go? yes. even though i don't take pics daily, i know where i started, where i am at and where i want to be.

Keep looking on to your final goal. you will get there. you just might have to change things up a bit. Sorry for the long post.

Adam Waters Reply:

Hi Suzette (my fellow blogging warrior),

First and foremost I want to thank you for your supportive and empowering comments. You have been without a doubt the most dedicated commenter on this blog since I started! Even though you don't take daily pics you have done a remarkable job yourself in transforming your body. Like Kriistina I believe your success (however you define it) is inevitable due to your dedication and drive to hold yourself accountable.


September 29, 2007 9:09 PM

James said...

I haven't started the MS program level 1 yet, I finished the preparation and will start this week, but unfortunately I will not take daily pictures of myself for some lame reasons, I don't live alone. Anyway from your day 295 to day 324 look at your right arm! It's clearly increase in volume, why don't you simply measure it? That way you'll see results, probably not on a daily basis, but on a weekly basis yes.

Adam Waters Reply:

G'day James,

Great to hear that you are starting Surge this week. Train hard mate and I will be following your progress and keeping you accountable buddy! Yeah, I should also pull out that tape measure one of these days!

Thanks again for all the wonderful comments. I really appreciate you guys because knowing that you are there keeps me accountable and helps me push above and beyond the "pain barrier" every single workout.

Until tomorrow...

Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!

Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Day 325: I Am Blown Away!


Wow! I'm kinda lost for words at the thoughtful comments to the questions I asked in yesterday's post.

Just When I Started To Get Down...

You guys have really blown me away! Just when I start to get down on myself you guys have really given me a lift, and more than that you have also given me great advice.

Today is one of those days when I re-connect with what the essence of this journey is all about. When I started this journey on November 8, 2006 I had no idea where it would take me.

Life Really Is A Journey!

However, by Day 42 I resolved within myself to keep going after I finished Mission 1 because I began to realize that life really is a journey, there is no final destination.

This is especially true of a physique transformation challenge. For as long as you continue to draw breath your body (and mind) will be with you.

Your body can only continue to operate at optimum levels if you give it the required stimulus through exercise and proper nutrition.

If you rest on your laurels after you have finished your "12 week challenge" your body (and mind) will soon reflect the current effort you are putting in. It may come relatively slowly but trust me, it will come.

The Essence Of This Blog

This "life is a journey" mindset is now the core essence of this blog and why your comments yesterday resonated with me so much because you can always learn (and implement) new ideas and techniques. You can also reassess your strategies and renew your passion and drive as you progress through your journey.

I'll Be Back Tomorrow...

When I posted that entry yesterday I had intended to reply to each comment individually, but to be honest I hadn't anticipated such a large response!

In order to do justice to your thoughtful and supportive comments I'm gonna have to make a separate blog post tomorrow and answer each comment then. This is because I had to work today (I usually have Saturday's off) and I have just gotten home from the gym so I am pretty hammered right now!

I promise I'll be back tomorrow to reveal my answer, and respond to each comment.

Until tomorrow...

Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!

Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT

P.S. Go to Day 324: Daily Accountability: A Double Edged Sword to read yesterday's post and the thoughtful comments from Andrew, Anon, Kristiina, Ryuerik, Kel, Jeff and Min.

P.S.S. Below are Day 325 pics for September 29, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 2 - Day 31 of 70

Friday, September 28, 2007

Day 324: Daily Physique Pictures - A Double Edged Sword?


Ooohhh man...another intense training session today!

Fat Loss Circuit Training Progressive Overload

I went all out on Fat Loss Circuit Training (FLCT) for Part 2 - from the Metabolic Surge training program I am following for M3: Phase 2 - which consisted of circuit sets for shoulders, triceps, quads and hamstrings.

What makes FLCT so intense is the fact that the 40 sec. "rest period" calls for HIIT cardio. So basically there is no rest period on FLCT, you go full-on for the duration doing a total of 22 weight training sets combined with 880 seconds of HIIT cardio!

The great news is that today I increased rep counts for shoulders (15 kg dumbbell press) and weight increments for quads (105 kg squats) from my previous FLCT workout.

Increased Cardio Capacity

I also noticed a dramatic increase in cardio capacity for my HIIT cardio "rest periods" doing skipping (I prefer skipping because it is a stationary exercise that doesn't tie up other cardio equipment in the gym).

After the first 10 sets of skipping I usually switch from "double jump" to "single step" skipping, however today I was able to maintain the more difficult "double jump" technique for the whole 22 sets!

My M3 Success Is Inevitable, Or Is It?

Clearly I am gaining strength and endurance as I progress through the final stages of Mission 3, as these numbers don't lie. As I have said many times previously I am now lifting, benching and squatting more than at any time in my life.

Now couple these gains with the "positive pressure" that real-time accountability forces upon me through uploading daily pictures onto this blog, and it is inevitable that I will reach my goal of a shredded six-pack by Day 365, or is it?

My M3 "Holding Pattern"

I gotta be honest, I sometimes feel that my daily pictures don't reflect the gains I am making. I actually have that feeling today, it looks as though I went backwards from yesterday as there is less sharpness in my abdominal region.

Truth be told, I have felt this way for a while now. I feel like I've been in a "holding pattern" for a large portion of Mission 3. I know I have made incremental gains, especially when I compare my Day 230 pictures to today.

However, since I got back from Australia on Day 281 I don't see much progress in my physique even though I have been training my butt off consistently during this time!

Why M1 Was Different

I think the problem I have is I keep comparing myself to the massive progress I made during Mission 1, where almost every day my body transformed in a forward manner. Looking back now, I am almost amazed at the progress I made during M1.

However, the big difference with M1 was the fact that I channeled my 6 years of pent-up anger, depression and frustration into those 12 weeks. As I spoke about 7 days ago in my Day 317: Pain Vs. Regret blog post, I took full responsibility for where I had found myself and understood that the "pain" I was about to unleash on myself was a necessary part of the process.

To be honest I don't feel that way anymore. I now wake up every day happy and content that I am finally living my dreams, and the fact that I have maintained a decent physique for 9 months now!

I Have Three Questions, What Do You Think?

Anyway, back to the title of today's blog post!

In light of my limited visual progress over last 2 months, is taking daily pictures a double edged sword?

Is it possible that you may lose confidence and self-esteem if your daily pictures aren't showing the progress that you feel you should be making?

Is it possible that this daily accountability strategy can backfire on you and cause you to quit?

My answer to these questions and the reason why I think so will be revealed tomorrow.

In the meantime, I'd like to hear your thoughts and experiences on your own daily/weekly/monthly progress picture strategy and how it has impacted your overall physique transformation progress.

Until tomorrow...

Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!

Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT

P.S. Below are Day 324 pics for September 28, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 2 - Day 30 of 70

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Day 323: Are You Ready To Unleash The Power Of Real-Time Accountability?


Yesterday I discussed my M3 Final Shred Phase with the goal of getting a genuine six-pack in the next six weeks.

I also discussed the power of real-time public accountability. This real-time accountability (RTA) factor played a massive role in my success during M1 & M2.

The RTA Force Field!

In fact RTA drove me with such force there were days during the early stages of M1 when I would literally run 10 blocks to get my pre-planned meal in at the right time (I have a full-time job so my schedule doesn't always fit into nutrition plan).

Every evening when I came home to take that day's picture and upload it live onto my blog I always asked myself the following questions, "Are you worthy of a picture today?" and "Have you done everything possible to make progress today?"

The answer I got was yes almost every single day, minus my 2 week vacation to Australia over Christmas when I lacked focus.

Why I Now Look Forward To Taking Daily Pictures!

Instead of it being a chore I actually began to look forward to taking my daily picture because I knew I had done the work that day to edge incrementally closer to my dream physique.

In fact I enjoyed (and still do) seeing my physique transform in front of my eyes. Let's face it, pictures don't lie!

I cannot stress enough how empowering it is to take daily pictures AND hold yourself accountable in real-time by uploading those pictures onto a blog where other people will see them.

This creates the "positive pressure" required make a rapid-fire physique (and life) transformation by taking you way out of your comfort zone.

The truth is you must get out of your comfort zone both physically and mentally in order to make massive changes in your life in a short period of time, no matter what your goals are.

Are You Game?

Therefore, my question to you today is, "Are you ready to harness the power of real-time accountability for your physique transformation goals?"

If you answered YES I have some great news for you, you can harness the power of RTA on this very blog! If you currently have a blog (or start one in the next 24 hours!) that documents your own physique transformation journey then I will exponentially increase the accountability factor for you.

How Will This Work?

Simple, I will put a link to your blog in the RTP VIP Members Blog Roll which is displayed in the right-hand nav bar. As I believe daily blogging (documentation) is the most effective way to journal a physique transformation I will rank the blogs in a specific order.

Translation: Those who blog more often (daily is best) will get "top billing" on the RTP VIP Blog Roll. Also, once you finish your journey I will feature you and your blog in the RTP VIP Newsletter that is distributed to thousands of readers.

The Bottom Line

This will force you to get out of your comfort zone by increasing the "positive pressure" on you to follow through on your physique transformation goals as you will have ready-made stream of visitors to your blog almost instantaneously. (I currently have daily readers from 85 different countries).

Let's Get It On!

Ok, first go to and sign up for your free membership and bonus report. In a few days time you will receive an email from me that will direct you to an online form where you will submit blog URL details.

Once you submit your blog details to the above URL I will have you up and running on the RTP VIP Blog Roll within 24 hours.

To get a visual of the RTP VIP Member Blog Roll in action just go to my blog and look down the left-hand side and you will see 17 of your fellow members who have already taken action.

You too can join Kristiina, Suzette and Dougal and be among the most successful and dedicated RTP Bloggers in a matter of days!

On a technical note, if you are looking for a blogging solution that is no cost and simple to use I recommend

I look forward to seeing you on the RTP VIP Member's Blog Roll...

RTP VIP Newsletter Adam Waters

Until tomorrow,

Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!

Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT

P.S. Guess what? My gym was closed today! Not a big surprise as they have so many random days off. Anyway, I still got in a dose of cardio with HIIT sprints and skipping along with ab training and push-ups.

P.S.S. Below are Day 323 pics for September 27, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 2 - Day 29 of 70

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Day 322: M3 Shred Phase: A Six Pack In 6 Weeks?


Well, the time has come to turn the heat up...on myself!

My singular focus for the next 42 days is to carve out a genuine "full frontal" six-pack.

A six-pack that far exceeds my Mission 1 & 2 efforts. Yes, it is time practice what I preach and achieve the Mission 3 goal I set for myself way back on Day 230: Mission 3 Goals & Accountability.

After going through this "cutting process" twice before I know what it will take. I have learnt a great deal from my two earlier attempts, I know what I did right and more importantly I know where I went wrong.

I have never felt more ready to take on this challenge publicly in real-time. Over the last 92 days of M3 I have built a solid foundation, I am now lifting more, benching more and squatting more than at any time in my life.

Now it is time to shred that muscle by burning off the last layer of fat around my stomach and finally reveal that elusive last row of abs!

The Programs I Am Following:

1) Nutrition: Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle - This ebook is the "holy grail" of fat burning nutrition principles, guidelines and tips. I constantly refer to BFFM as I design my nutrtition program for each Mission.

Click Here for more information on my personal experience with BFFM and RTP Bonus Supplement Report.

2) Weight Training and Cardio:
Metabolic Surge - I have previously used this "cutting program" for Mission 1 and Mission 2. The core of Surge is a 36 day program consisting of 3 twelve day cycles. These cycles are further broken down into 3 different phases with high intensity/high rep training synced up with a low carb/low fat nutrition plan.

Click Here for more information on my personal experience with Metabolic Surge and RTP Maximize Surge Bonus Pack.

3) Abdominal Training:
ABSolution - After spending the first two missions following Flatten Your Abs I have decided to change up my ab training program and incorporate Shawn Phillip's ABSolution program. By the look of Shawn he certainly know what he's talking about!

ABSolution: The Practical Solution for Building Your Best Abs ( Link)

Are You Up For Real-Time Accountability?

What's your plan for the next 6 weeks? If you are on a "cutting phase" yourself let's hold each other accountable! You can follow along with me in real-time as I "cut up" and I'll do the same for you by putting your blog in my RTP VIP Blog Roll.

Even though my time is extremely limited I'll visit your blog regularly over the next 6 weeks and keep you accountable if you'll do the same for me! Let's do this! Just sign up at to be eligible for real-time accountability with me and other RTP VIP members.

Until tomorrow...

Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,Think BIG!

Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT

P.S. If you do sign up at you'll also get instant access to my free report, My Biggest Secret. What are you waiting for? Let's get it on!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Day 321: My Video Featured On Homepage!


It's been a crazy few days, I have spent most my free time answering email and messages from people who have seen my video titled 84 Days In 48 Seconds.

This video has taken on a life of its own. This video has now been watched over 220, 000 times!

I honestly never realized it would be seen by this many people. This is because there are now millions of videos on YouTube so it is extremely difficult for any video to get even 1,000 views.

However, if your video does break out it will get seen by a lot of people and may even attract attention from the "big websites" which will add exponentially more views in a short period of time.

This is what happened yesterday, as I was contacted by for placement of the 84 Day video onto their homepage!

I am not a member of, however they do run a very popular 10 week Challenge of their own which documents one person's weight loss journey with weekly video updates.

It is great to see a big site like using this type of accountability tool for their members. Can you imagine the pressure to succeed when your video is being seen by 500,000 people on YouTube in real-time each week?

I know personally the pressure to follow through on your physique transformation in real-time has been a massive factor in my success thus far (still a long way to go!).

Perhaps you could start using YouTube as your own accountability tool to keep you on track and accountable to other people in real-time too?

If you interested in seeing what real-time accountability looks like on YouTube just take a look through my video archive here.

Before I sign off today I'll just mention that there may be an even bigger platform that this 84 Day video may be featured on soon (Hint: US TV!). That's all I can say right now, I'll keep you posted if it goes ahead!

Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT

P.S. Below is a screenshot of the video as it appeared on today. You can see it on the bottom of the page next to the red arrow.

P.S.S. Below are Day 321 pics for September 25, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 2 - Day 27 of 70

Monday, September 24, 2007

Day 320: This Is Insane! 40,000 Views In 24 Hours


24 hours ago something big happened, and I've been struggling to keep pace ever since!

Here's the lowdown, my body transformation time-lapse video 84 Days In 48 Seconds was propelled right next door to the biggest time-lapse videos on YouTube.

I'm specifically talking about Noah, king of the human time lapse with his video getting over 6,000,000 views to date. For some reason, the mysterious entity that is YouTube decided to put my 84 Day video next to Noah in the "Related Videos" panel!

The result, I have received 40,000 views and over 100 comments to my 84 Day video in the last 24 hours. Now since I long ago made a pledge to reply to every email, comment and message that specifically asks me for help I have been super busy in the last 24 hours!

If you haven't seen the video and are curious you can watch it below.

Before I sign off today I want to let you know that I'll be making a very important blog post tomorrow that's gonna bring Mission 3 right down to the real-time!

Until tomorrow...

Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG

Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT

P.S. I've been so busy today that I didn't have time to take my Day 320 pics, but I'll be back tomorrow with my Day 321 pics.

P.S.S. Thanks Suzette, James and Ryuerik for asking about my meeting with my old friends on Saturday night who hadn't seen me for 3 years. They got a massive shock and all they kept saying was bikkurishta (English: I'm surprised) and yassetta na (English: You became skinny).

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Day 318: Gonna Be A Blast! Meeting Old Friends Tonight


Just a quick picture update today as I have to go out tonight and meet old friends from Okinawa who I haven't seen for a few years.

The last time they saw me I was 35 kg's heavier so they will get quite a shock when they see me tonight (they don't know what I've been up to in the last 9 months!).

It's gonna be a blast!

Until tomorrow...

Eat Clean,
Shred Heard,
Think BIG!

Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT

P.S. Below are Day 318 pics for September 22, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 2 - Day 24 of 70

Friday, September 21, 2007

Day 317: Pain Vs. Regret - A Simple Mindset Shift That Transformed My Life


The picture slide above is from July 22, 2003 (the lowest point of my life) and March 24, 2007.

There is a lot of pain (and joy) in this picture slide. The pain I speak of is not just emotional, there was also a lot of physical pain I went through to transform my body in that time period.

What some people may not realize is that I was somewhat successful in transforming my body prior to the start of Mission 1. Between July 2003 and November 8, 2006 (start of M1) I did lose 20 kg's and 7% percent of bodyfat. This got me down to my M1, Day 1 starting stats of 84.5 kg's and 20.8% bodyfat.

July 2003: Pain Dictated My Life

When I cast my mind back to July 2003 I remember quite clearly how much pain I felt daily due to the shape I was in and the fact that my life was going nowhere. I still had a glimmer of faith that I could turn my life around but I knew the road was going to be long and hard.

At that time pain did dictate my life. Every day I would wake up feeling miserable and frustrated with myself that another day had passed and I still hadn't taken action on my long-held dreams of re-transforming my physique (and life).

Then, every 6 months or so an event would trigger me into action. I would get up the next day and decide to take action (this is why I have so many "before pictures") and go "hell for leather" in the gym for a few weeks or months.

I would always make some progress during those "failed challenges" but inevitably the pain I felt in the gym (and in my mind) was not commensurate with the results I was getting. What made it even harder was that I would keep having "flashbacks" to my Body for Life 2000 Challenge success and constantly beat myself up about "why and how I let myself go".

My Life-Changing Mindset Shift

I continued this cycle for over 3 years until one fateful day (November 8, 2006) when I decided to make a simple mindset shift. Instead of letting pain dictate my life I decided to channel the pain I felt into my training and diet discipline.

As you can see on this blog this simple mindset shift quite literally changed my life. I still remember the first set of my first weight training session on Mission 1. I remember staring into the mirror for one whole minute before I started on the first set of Barbell Bent Over Rows.

I told myself in no uncertain terms,
You are here for a reason, it is time for you to regain control of your life starting RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW. You are going to channel all the pain you have felt for the last 3 years into this rep, set and workout session. The truth is, you deserve this pain, it has to be this way because you and you alone are responsible for where you are right now.
For the first time in a very long time I remained laser-focused during a whole workout session. I kept the pain front and center in my mind and channeled this pain into every single rep of that workout.

As my body started transforming in front of my very eyes (evidenced by the daily pictures I took) I began to redefine the meaning of pain in my mind. As I progressed throughout Mission 1 the pain I felt for that one hour in the gym was nothing compared to the emotional pain I had felt for the previous 3 years.

The Choice Is Yours...

I soon realized that in life pain is inevitable. The only choice you have is whether to meet pain on your terms or whether you let the pain you feel dictate your life.

Your body is a perfect metaphor for this idea, that being you can either choose 1 hour of pain every day and live in the body of your dreams OR you can do nothing (and feel no physical pain) and live in the body of your nightmares.

(Sorry to sound so dramatic but I literally had nightmares about my physical shape and the embarrassment I felt daily).

The bottom line is this:
Is it more "painful" to take the daily actions required (physical, financial, spiritual, academic) to live the life of your dreams OR is it less painful not to take the daily actions required and live a life of regret?
I know which pain I would rather feel, I'll take my pain in small doses every day and live the life of my dreams because that pain is temporary while regret is forever.

How about you?

Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT

P.S. Below are Day 317 pics for September 21, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 2 - Day 22 of 70

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Day 316: Man Vs. Machine Revisited - Real Time Accountability With Tom Venuto


I had a killer HIIT cardio workout today!

Once again I felt I was re-connecting with my "former self" in my earlier Mission 1 battles against the granddaddy of all cardio equipment...the treadmill!

The Point Of No Return!

As I was midway through the last 16 km/h interval covered in a pool of sweat I reached the point of no return. It is times like these where you have to put the pain, agony and discomfort aside and remember (every single second!) why you are doing this.

Even though I am feeling the pain in real-time my mind does start to wander strangely enough. I start to focus my mind on the bigger picture and visualize how I'm gonna feel on Day 365 when it comes time to take my final M3 pictures.

Driven By A 128KB Picture

As great as the pain is in that moment the pain I would feel if I missed my six-pack goal by Day 365 is infinitely greater.

Believe it or not I am also driven by that 128KB picture that will be placed over the question mark in my header graphic on Day 365!

Nothing would please me more than to be able to place a "shredded six-pack" in that space that far exceeds my M2 final picture.

This would probably not surprise many people because as you can see I'm a very visually orientated person. Tracking my progress through daily pictures not only keeps me accountable every single day but also allows me to create a self-fulfilling prophecy of physique transformation when I see constant progress.

Real-Time Accountability With Tom Venuto!

Another factor that drives me are the regular progress picture updates I place in Tom Venuto's Burn The Fat Inner Circle Photo Gallery. Just knowing that Tom himself actually checks these pictures is a massive motivation for me.

Actually, I posted an entry in the Cardio Forum of the Inner Circle titled Man Vs. Machine back on January 13, 2007 (originally written on Day 38) as I entered the final "shred phase" of Mission 1.

Tom actually replied to my post! I can't describe how motivating that was for me at that time.

I really "hit the hammer" hard after that exchange!

Below is a transcript of that exchange between me and Tom.

Man Vs Machine: My Definition Of Cardio Intensity

Posted by


I thought I would post something I wrote on Day 38 of my blog. I am by no means a "HIIT cardio guru." I just thought it might be relevant for people who struggle with intensity and how hard you need to push yourself to see results. Here it is below.

Day 38 of 84

Status - Round 4: Phase 2: Day 1

Today was a titanic struggle, it was literally man versus machine. No, I wasn't squaring off against the Terminator, the machine I am talking about is far more lethal. Can you guess what it is? One word...Treadmill. Yes I know, it may look harmless to the unitiated but once you start a high intensity workout on it there's no going back baby!

It all started at 9.30 am this morning. When I woke up I felt queasy just thinking about it. I was going for my personal best - 4 cycles of 6, 12, 14, and 16 km/h at 1 minute intervals BUT the last cycle had to be 2 minutes and 5 seconds.

I hit 2 minutes at 16 km/h on Tuesday this week, now it was time to up the ante to 2 minutes and 5 seconds. Five extra seconds may not sound like much but let me tell was pure torture. As I entered the final minute I was already feeling nauseous, my stomach was churning, my calves were aching.

The final 15 seconds felt like 15 minutes. This is living life in the moment, right here right now. Will you fulfill the most important promise you can make? You know...the ones you make to yourself. Of course I did, do you know why?

Because, no matter how hard it is I always know in the back of my mind that these are the moments that define success or failure. The only way you can dramatically transform your physique in a short period of time is to continually raise your standards.

You have to break through new barriers every single workout. If you stay stagnant even for one workout you will not progress, simple as that. The great thing is that you can apply these intense experiences to other areas of your life. Are you living in the moment? Do you cherish what you already have? Do you respect yourself and others enough to keep the promises you make?

I have discovered over the course of the last 38 days that changing your body shape is a great metaphor for life changes. I already feel more confident and secure in myself. I also notice that the people around me are reacting to me differently, in a positive way. The changes in me are now becoming obvious, almost daily I am stopped by someone I know. They tell me how great I am looking, they also notice my new-found confidence.

So yes, I can safely say that those extra 5 seconds don't just make a little bit of difference...they make ALL the difference. Until next time that is, when it will be those extra 10 seconds. I can already feel it now...

Adam Waters
Inner Circle Contributor


Posted by

Jan 13,2007
3:27 PM

G'day Rhez,

You hit the nail on the head. It really is those extra 5 or 10 seconds that make all the difference. Here's a 'funny thing' I go through during these intense moments. While my lungs, legs and calves are screaming for mercy I actually ask myself this question "What is pain?", "Is this pain?" The answer I always come up with is "No, this is pleasure, this is living life 'to the max"

Once you do finish there is no better feeling knowing that you achieved your goal for that day coupled with the endorphin rush!



Posted by

Jan 13,2007
4:19 PM

"Hit the nail on the head" is right

ALL the growth happens outside the comfort zone.

I've experienced changes in my body happen so fast it is almost too hard to believe... if and only if I push beyond the comfort zone.... Its astonishing how you could put in hours and hours of training a week and get very little additional progress... but its usually because those hours consist of what you've already done before.

when you push intensity beyond that, the effect is so pronounced that I can only describe it as a threshold effect... before the threshold, almost nothing - you only maintain, even if you are putting in a lot of time..

but one tiny step over the threshold, which can be minutes or even just seconds as adam says, and the progress starts coming EXPONENTIALLY faster


Posted by

Jan 13,2007
4:44 PM

I couldn't agree more Tom. You said it best in your "Burn The Fat Show" episode 1.

Just above your regular pain threshold is where all growth occurs. It may only be "5 seconds" or "one more rep" at that moment in time, but taken over 12 week period (for example) the growth you get is exponential. It seems to me to be some kind of "law of the universe" that you have to respect and practice in order to see results.


Can you see how motivating that is?

Just imagine having the fat loss guru himself, Tom Venuto keeping you accountable to your goals in real-time through the Photo Gallery and Forums.

The great news is that you can! Go to Burn The Fat Inner Circle to learn how the Internet's premiere fat loss community can help you achieve the body of your dreams, as it has done for me.

Alternatively, you can read more about my experience with the Inner Circle from Day 202: Breaking News...I Am Now An Official Contributor to The Inner Circle

Until tomorrow...

Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!

Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT

P.S. Below are Day 316 pics for September 20, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 2 - Day 22 of 70

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Day 315: A Six-Pack In 50 Days?


I had a brainwave today! Maybe I should re-label Mission 3 to MI3, Mission Possible 3...A Six-Pack In 50 days?

Sorry, that's a pretty lame joke, but I gotta do something to keep myself amused as I go through the daily grind of carving out a six-pack.

Speaking of which, is there anybody out there reading this blog (you?) who has successfully carved out a "full frontal six-pack"?

If you have done it previously I'd love to hear from you. I'd like to hear about your cardio plan, ab training and nutrition plan when you were going through the process.

Did you have a specific deadline to get that six-pack (like I do with Day 365) and did you have a specific daily caloric deficit target to hit every single day.

Another question I have is did you use any advanced techniques like manipulating your water retention levels and sodium intake in the lead-up to your deadline (or contest)?

The reason I ask is in the aftermath of Mission 2 when I held a public vote on Day 136 (which I won!) I got a lot of comments from people giving me advice about those advanced techniques I discussed in the last paragraph.

According to some people I went about it the wrong way in that I didn't use of those advanced techniques and the fact that I hammered myself with double cardio sessions daily during the last four days of M2.

In hindsight I know I went very close to getting that six-pack for M2 and perhaps those extra 1% daily actions and techniques may help me get over the line for Mission 3.

So, I'm gonna open the floor now, do you have any advice for me during the next 50 days?

Until tomorrow...

Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!

Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT

P.S. Below are Day 315 pics for September 19, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 2 - Day 21 of 70

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Day 314: Back to The Future!


A funny thing happened today, I did something I very rarely do...I actually went back and read portions of my blog!

Believe it or not I hardly ever go back to read what I wrote in the early days, especially Mission 1. It's kinda weird to tell you the truth, it's like I'm reading someone else's blog!

Anyway, there was one recent post in particular that caught my Day 230 Goals and Accountability Post for the start of M3.

In that post I stated that my goal was to achieve a six-pack by Day 290, which clearly didn't happen. My goal at the time was to finally get that "frontal six-pack" I just missed out on during M2.

However, when I started Phase 2 of Mission 3 I kinda let that six-pack goal slip into the corner of my subconscious and just proceeded with my pre-scheduled "muscle gain" program that I discussed on Day 300.

Here's The Dilemma!

In order to gain muscle you need a caloric surplus. The problem is that this is not conducive to getting a six-pack as I would need to go on a "cutting phase" which means I would have to operate on a caloric deficit to reduce my bodyfat to reveal a six-pack by Day 365.

Can you see the dilemma?

Should I honor the self-promise I originally made on Day 230 or should I just continue with my pre-planned "muscle gain" phase?

What About My "Muscle Gain" Program?

To complicate matters more I am currently making great progress on this "muscle gain" phase. My chest in particular has responded very well to the new style of training. All in all, I am currently lifting, benching and squatting more weight across the board than I ever have.

Time To Make A Decision!

However, it is time to make a decision. With only 50 days to go until the end of M3 every day is absolutely critical.

I have decided to honor my original goal. I believe that I would not be setting a good precedent for myself if I start a new goal when I haven't even achieved the goal I originally set for myself.

That's the "old Adam"! The "new Adam" will not quit until he has achieved the goals he has set for himself! (Sorry to refer to myself in the third person, I just need to get my point across).

So, starting today I will do everything within my power to make my "frontal six-pack" goal a reality by Day 365. This may cost me some muscle in the process but I am willing to accept that and just get on with hitting that visualization picture (minus the muscle) that I have dreamed about for years.

Ok, let's get this party started!

Until tomorrow...

Eat Clean,
Shred Hard,
Think BIG!

Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT

P.S. Once I get that six-pack I will most definitely start a fair dinkum muscle gain program, in fact I just got word from an author friend of mine that he will be releasing a new "muscle gain" book very soon. I will check it out and see how it stacks up against the program I had been following recently.

P.S.S. Below are Day 314 pics for September 18, 2007: Mission 3 Phase 2 - Day 20 of 70.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Adam Waters RTP Blog Daily Picture Transformation Gallery


Well, I gotta say that this was a painstaking project stitching all these pictures together!

The pictures are quite small though if you look closely you can see each day numbered running left to right. You may also notice that I didn't take a picture every single day as I had some rest days.

On a final note, I often get asked the question, "Why do you take pictures daily?"

The answer is quite simple, I believe in holding myself accountable every single day and what better way than to keep myself honest and track my daily progress than to take a daily picture.

Because if you don't make progress every single day, when are you ever going to?

Adam Waters, NESTA-CPT

My 8 Year Journey:
Every Image On This Blog Was
Captured Within This 8 Year Time Frame

BFL Pro Pics: June 2000

6 Years Of Failed Attempts (since BFL 2000)

Mission 1
: 84 Days
November 8, 2006 to January 31, 2007

Below is what went on between these pics!

Mission 1: 84 Days
November 8, 2006 to January 31, 2007

Mission 2: 46 Days
February 7, 2007 to March 24, 2007

Mission 2
: 46 Days

February 7, 2007 to March 24, 2007

Mission 3 : 135 Days
June 26, 2007 to November 8, 2007

Mission 3 : 135 Days
June 26, 2007 to November 8, 2007

Mission 4 : 125 Days
November 19, 2007 to March 22, 2008

Mission 4
: 125 Days
November 19, 2007 to March 22, 2008

NYC Stealth Mission:

Pro Photo Shoot
April 1, 2008